COVID Numbers Are Misleading

a good friend just got it a second time. the first time was in December 2019 he was sick for 3 to 4 weeks no one had a clue what covid was at the time. his daughter had a accident and was in san Francisco he was with her in the hospital there and found it strange that the majority of people in the ER were Asian and wearing masks. when he left there and came back to nj he was sick. several months later he had a antibody test and he had antibody's for covid. now almost two years later got it again he has been sick for two weeks now just got the antibody treatment and is feeling a lot better. this time around the case is milder so as far as I'm concerned there will never be a proper vaccine being that the antibody's from natural infection don't stick around long enough to keep you safe. there for any vaccine that is produced from the drug company's will never be close to fully effective or very long lasting .  There are several treatments but they are slow to be approved and not promoted cause there is a surplus of the current vaccine and the drug company's will loose on their investment so there is no incentive for them to push their treatments forward. I am hoping the new omicron variant is the cure and overpowers all the other variants as long as it has weak side affects which it seams to be a friend is a nurse in a hospital here and they are seeing people coming in with only a fever for a few days and a quick recovery after that but it is still to soon to tell the real effects of it.     

I have yet to catch this covid or have even needed to take a covid test. Am I lucky or am I doing something right… I don’t wear a mask unless forced to. Have been to all my normal places and etc. I do spend a lot of time outside which is what I think helps me. 

when this post started back in sep. i had just got covid. im 40 very good health, gym rat, eat well, rarely drink. fully vaxed for 5 months. i was down for 3 weeks, got the antibody treatment at the end of 2 weeks. starting feeling better after the treatment. im a very active person and i was so fatigued i didnt even have the energy to eat. i lost 25lbs in 3 weeks.  its coming up to 2 1/2 months after and i still have issues, i have times where im just dead exhausted, times in the gym i struggle to catch my breath or just feel like i cant breathe right. the headache stayed around for about 2 months slowly going away during that time.  i have gained most my weight back still about 5-8lbs lighter than pre sick weight. my daughter got it as well, she is 10, she was sick for about 2 days, she was not bad at all just some Tylenol to control her fever. 

one thing that i really didnt get is why no one promotes the treatment. after my daughter tested positive i had been sick for a week already. the state/county was calling me every day to see how she was doing and make sure she was not at school. one lady i talked to just happen to be super nice and asked how i was doing, she gave me all the info for the anti body treatment clinic at the moreno valley hospital, i called and was in there the next day. if it was not for that i dont know how long i would of been sick, after 2 weeks i was not getting better, it took that treatment for me to finally start getting better which still took another week. nothing about that clinic was listed anywhere, the clinic asked me how i got their info. they push the vax so much but nothing anywhere about how to get treatment. 

and i got it at a concert where you have to show a vax card or get a rapid neg test to enter. one of the bands i went to go see posted a few members tested positive the exact same time i did.
 Not saying you didn't, but how do you KNOW that you got it from that concert? They say to quarantine 14 days if you've been exposed to someone that has it because you can pass it on even though you have no symptoms. 

My wife is a nurse. Got a scratchy throat during her shift, woke up the next morning with what seemed like a bad cold. Tested positive 2 days later and started feeling better on the 3rd day. Still a little run down 8 days later  but definitely on the good track. We were talking last night about where she might have gotten it, and the reality is that there is NO EFFIN WAY that anyone could know for sure unless you stay in your house alone 24-7 and had one visitor that gave it to you. Too many variables. Pump gas, shop, normal day to day interactions etc. BTW, she was vaxed as am I (voluntarily). My 27 year old daughter had it a few months ago and was pretty sick for about10 days. No vax. 

"They" say a bunch of mixed up sht about quarantine.

Covid troll is in the room...

 Not saying you didn't, but how do you KNOW that you got it from that concert? They say to quarantine 14 days if you've been exposed to someone that has it because you can pass it on even though you have no symptoms. 
i dont know 100% that i got it at that concert, but based on all my normal activity, time from exposer to symptoms, other people at the same event testing positive at the same time. im pretty certain it was from that event. 

I have yet to catch this covid or have even needed to take a covid test. Am I lucky or am I doing something right… I don’t wear a mask unless forced to. Have been to all my normal places and etc. I do spend a lot of time outside which is what I think helps me. 
Your people made it.  Duh. :biggrin:

 He don't know...
I got it from a vax'd person, and gave it to my vax'd wife.  Vaccine probabmayble helps make it not terrible to get, but doesn't do chit to stop transmission.

Your people made it.  Duh. :biggrin:

I got it from a vax'd person, and gave it to my vax'd wife.  Vaccine probabmayble helps make it not terrible to get, but doesn't do chit to stop transmission.
I like to use the seat belt analogy regarding vaccines:  they work very well in an accident but don't necessarily prevent you form getting injured or in some cases,  killed. . .

I like to use the seat belt analogy regarding vaccines:  they work very well in an accident but don't necessarily prevent you form getting injured or in some cases,  killed. . .
What if the car goes off a cliff, plummets 100 feet to the bottom of a ravine and bursts into flames? 

I have yet to catch this covid or have even needed to take a covid test. Am I lucky or am I doing something right… I don’t wear a mask unless forced to. Have been to all my normal places and etc. I do spend a lot of time outside which is what I think helps me. 
Oh you’ve had it, but just like 98% of the other people that had it you never knew. Not luck, not doing something right, it just is what it is.
I’m pretty sure that with the way it spreads EVERYONE has had it at least once, and probably several times.

Now out of the remaining 2% some have gotten very I’ll and some have died. But the point being is that 98% of the population never even knew they had it. If everyone went an got antibody testing the entire population would come back with some amount of Covid infection.

Have had COPD for many many years and had Covid twice now. It fugged up my already fugged up lungs and added more crap that I have to take on a daily and rescue basis. 
Ya’ll stay safe out there.

Oh you’ve had it, but just like 98% of the other people that had it you never knew. Not luck, not doing something right, it just is what it is.
I’m pretty sure that with the way it spreads EVERYONE has had it at least once, and probably several times.

Now out of the remaining 2% some have gotten very I’ll and some have died. But the point being is that 98% of the population never even knew they had it. If everyone went an got antibody testing the entire population would come back with some amount of Covid infection.

Have had COPD for many many years and had Covid twice now. It fugged up my already fugged up lungs and added more crap that I have to take on a daily and rescue basis. 
Ya’ll stay safe out there.
I have not had Covid. I have not been sick since October 2018. I do NOT live a healthy lifestyle. I smoke, I'm overweight and sure as f don't work out. I've been back to my NORMAL pre covid life since May 2020 in RETAIL meeting lots and lots of people on a daily basis. I only masked up when I had to. i.e. walk from front door of restaurant to my table type of stuff or when a customer was masked up.  I did nothing about my personal hygiene. Washed my hands, coughed or sneezed away from people, you know the stuff we all learned growing as humans.

It must be a god damn miracle! "Knocks on Wood"  :bangin:

Saw this headline and LMAO.. four shots needed in one year basically. FOUR!! I'm glad the Pfizer CEO is looking out for us.  SMDH..

