COVID Numbers Are Misleading

We spend a fortune on the CDC, NIH, etc..., they have tons of employees, and yet a year and a half into this BS they still can't (or won't) produce meaningful stats about the disease. In other words, exactly how many people  have died, or become seriously ill, from (not with) Covid? Then, what were their ages and what were their underlying health conditions?

We spend a fortune on the CDC, NIH, etc..., they have tons of employees, and yet a year and a half into this BS they still can't (or won't) produce meaningful stats about the disease. In other words, exactly how many people  have died, or become seriously ill, from (not with) Covid? Then, what were their ages and what were their underlying health conditions?
Ayep.  Whipping up the public into a nice froth-O-fear over this also increases the run on hospital beds, counteracting their stated goal of keeping hospitals available...

when i had a hydrating iv service come out a week or so ago when I had covid, the nurse was an ER nurse. 30 years old. 

the news reported a football player age 12 died from covid.

she said you know what the news didn't tell you? he was 12 years old, weighed over 500 lbs and had high blood pressure and diabetes among other issues.

I saw him in the ER, he didn't have a chance, but yet covid killed him. No his parents killed him because they didn't help him with his issues. he was walking dead before covid hit him, it just put him over the edge. RIP kid, noone deserves to die, but for christs sake, call it what it is at least

I heard about this article on the radio today.  Thanks for posting a link.

Interesting stuff.  I always wondered how many wandered into the hospital for something and found out they had Covid. 

Shows us all how inept the hospitals are with the data collected and being provided.  Along with the ineptness of the Gov, which we already knew. 

I heard about this article on the radio today.  Thanks for posting a link.

Interesting stuff.  I always wondered how many wandered into the hospital for something and found out they had Covid. 

Shows us all how inept the hospitals are with the data collected and being provided.  Along with the ineptness of the Gov, which we already knew. 
your right, nurse told me that they don't even test for flu, its covid positive or negative and thats it

Nice find. I wondered this very thing because in all my Facebook groups and next door neighbor apps, I see people that say they were in the hospital for a few days and then they go on to spell out that they really weren't that sick. I recall one lady in particular saying she was in the hospital for 2 days and they weren't really helping her, so she went home, ate fruit, and sat in the sun all day and was cured...

Anxiety and paranoia are driving everyone to go to the hospital.

Nice find. I wondered this very thing because in all my Facebook groups and next door neighbor apps, I see people that say they were in the hospital for a few days and then they go on to spell out that they really weren't that sick. I recall one lady in particular saying she was in the hospital for 2 days and they weren't really helping her, so she went home, ate fruit, and sat in the sun all day and was cured...

Anxiety and paranoia are driving everyone to go to the hospital.
our nurse told us vitamin d (sunlight) is a great cure

our nurse told us vitamin d (sunlight) is a great cure
Yes, but Vitamin D supplementation is even better.

Many people, even here in the West, have low vitamin D levels and don't even know it.

I went for years feeling like crap, test after test after test through specialists, and no one ever tested my level of Vitamin D

When a new doctor finally did, it turned out my level was less than 10 (it was either 6 or 7). It should be over 50.

Doc put me on a script of 50,000 IUD 3 times weekly to elevate it (which is a huge amount) and I did so much better health wise.


Shows us all how inept the hospitals are with the data collected and being provided.  Along with the ineptness of the Gov, which we already knew. 
I wish it was simply ineptitude, that would be terrible in it's own right but much more palatable. No, this is pure and simple willful and malicious deceit. They were getting paid every single time they checked a box. 

Serious question - if you got $1500 every time you checked a box would you do it?

Our elected officials ...and many non-elected bureaucrats that seized power when this began are to blame. They purposefully built these conditions with specific intent.

As much as I'd like to believe that everyone involved are just idiots and it was purely bad luck that got us here I truly believe that wasn't the case. I'll put my tinfoil hat back on for now...

Just had a good friend of mine Die Of COVID...50 years old in good health as far as anyone could tell.

His sister says he was vaccinated but I'm not so sure. Started getting a wheezing cough, his wife said go to the doctors...He never left the hospital after that.

He was in for 7 weeks, Pneumonia, Twice...then had such high rates of CO2 they had to put him on life support to drain his blood and put it back in. Lots of blood in his lungs, lost all muscle mass since he was in a bed for 7 weeks...he just deteriorated.

It seems he really did's so sad, but I just wonder what other conditions he may have had????? 

China needs to pay for the BS they let out! 

We will never be rid of fear of this disease thanks to the media. Yes it is real, it is just strange how it affects people so differently.

My sister in law got it and was down for the count for 5 brother got it and had symptoms for maybe 3 days!


Just had a good friend of mine Die Of COVID...50 years old in good health as far as anyone could tell.

His sister says he was vaccinated but I'm not so sure. Started getting a wheezing cough, his wife said go to the doctors...He never left the hospital after that.

He was in for 7 weeks, Pneumonia, Twice...then had such high rates of CO2 they had to put him on life support to drain his blood and put it back in. Lots of blood in his lungs, lost all muscle mass since he was in a bed for 7 weeks...he just deteriorated.

It seems he really did's so sad, but I just wonder what other conditions he may have had????? 

China needs to pay for the BS they let out! 

We will never be rid of fear of this disease thanks to the media. Yes it is real, it is just strange how it affects people so differently.

My sister in law got it and was down for the count for 5 brother got it and had symptoms for maybe 3 days!

Sorry for your loss. I had to recently attend a funeral of a loved one that also died from Covid. Younger than me, healthier than most. Just plain sucks. Reality check for me for sure. His wife is a nurse and had the ability to keep an eye at every level of care. Induced coma and never recovered. Terrible. 

@dbart Sorry for yore loss 😞

The scope of it all is insane. Make choices, live with consequences, how much is just unfortunate circumstance?....there is no rhyme or reason it seems on how it impacts some healthy folks, but not others who would seem to be hot hard.


when this post started back in sep. i had just got covid. im 40 very good health, gym rat, eat well, rarely drink. fully vaxed for 5 months. i was down for 3 weeks, got the antibody treatment at the end of 2 weeks. starting feeling better after the treatment. im a very active person and i was so fatigued i didnt even have the energy to eat. i lost 25lbs in 3 weeks.  its coming up to 2 1/2 months after and i still have issues, i have times where im just dead exhausted, times in the gym i struggle to catch my breath or just feel like i cant breathe right. the headache stayed around for about 2 months slowly going away during that time.  i have gained most my weight back still about 5-8lbs lighter than pre sick weight. my daughter got it as well, she is 10, she was sick for about 2 days, she was not bad at all just some Tylenol to control her fever. 

one thing that i really didnt get is why no one promotes the treatment. after my daughter tested positive i had been sick for a week already. the state/county was calling me every day to see how she was doing and make sure she was not at school. one lady i talked to just happen to be super nice and asked how i was doing, she gave me all the info for the anti body treatment clinic at the moreno valley hospital, i called and was in there the next day. if it was not for that i dont know how long i would of been sick, after 2 weeks i was not getting better, it took that treatment for me to finally start getting better which still took another week. nothing about that clinic was listed anywhere, the clinic asked me how i got their info. they push the vax so much but nothing anywhere about how to get treatment. 

and i got it at a concert where you have to show a vax card or get a rapid neg test to enter. one of the bands i went to go see posted a few members tested positive the exact same time i did.
