Continue the story but don't finish


Well-known member
May 4, 2021
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Dude that chick was so hot she.............

..made my banana peel right there in front of everyone, but luckily a monkey... 

Had Patron shots for all that were standing near the......

rippled ridges approximately.........Peace

2 miles from the nearest AA meeting place and close to the

age of consent in that Texas town that has a shack outside

of Grapvine there is a dude there that....

Sunglasses. The man was extremely handsome but had a small….

hand that made all the girls........

Giggle. He was listening to Alan Jackson thru his ear pods, he couldn't hear them laugh but saw the smiles. Frustrated and humiliated, he reached into his pocket with his small hand and pulled out a......

Magic frog. The frog said "Laugh it up" but what you don't know is that...

majority of the women he educated had small hands primarily because......Peace

he came from an island of hobbits, far off in a forgotten ocean, and on this mysterious island...

where small hands were valued as everything they held just looked bigger. Even the hobbit small hand frog mayor said...

Peace now where is that damn ring that they....

promised that little russian gymnast who became......Peace 
