Construction costs

What was the permit, architect and engineering cost on that example?

What was the permit, architect and engineering cost on that example?
I'd guess about 50-60k. This was just  first round numbers to put together a rough bid based on plans. Cost ended up being about 200k more with changes and extra costs from Covid (Lumber virtually tripled)

I'm building a 6700 sq ft Dream Home. SEE: "chEFFs Dream Home Build" TOPic in General Chat Forum. We guesstimated $1,200,000.00 Anxious to see where it finishes at. My guess is $1.5mil. You too can guess. Winner gets a Grand Prize. 2400sqft is Garage. Builder guesses approximate costs. Then turns you loose to pick out the goods. Counter Tops / Fixtures / Appliances / Insulation / Paint / Windows / Floors etc..........My suggestion, have the builder meet your wife before the BID process. In our situation, she gets the inside, I get the outside. Peace

One thing people need to realize is that the cost to build a house , especially a new one, does not increase in price by the same metric. In other words. a 3000sq' house does not cost 1/3rd more than a 2000sq'house, 4000sq' is not twice as much etc. Its much less. That's why I never would use price per sq' when people ask. too many variables. 

One thing people need to realize is that the cost to build a house , especially a new one, does not increase in price by the same metric. In other words. a 3000sq' house does not cost 1/3rd more than a 2000sq'house, 4000sq' is not twice as much etc. Its much less. That's why I never would use price per sq' when people ask. too many variables. 
I know guy's who sq' projects all the time and every one of them has been bit in the ass at least once.  

 Yeah I am amazed how quickly costs add up. Here's a spreadsheet I did for a house I built last year. 2900sq' new house on the water. Other than a elevator, not a lot of bells and whistles. I worked out a cash deal and lowered my rate. This will give a lot of you guys some idea how it all adds up.

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What's the 8 Grand in general liability? 

What's the 8 Grand in general liability? 
The owner wanted a "job specific" policy. If a contractor has a million dollar general liability policy, and he gets sued by a client and wins, then there's only X amount left to cover any defects on a different project. If you pay extra for a job specific policy then your project will always be covered by the full amount.
