Christmas Tradition

Christianity emphasizes faith in Jesus Christ, who gives grace, empowerment, and guidance for living the moral life. [2] Judaism teaches a life of holiness through performing mitzvot and emphasizes the importance of adhering to the Bible's standards of social justice as laid down by the Prophets.
Old Testament vs New Testament  :dunno:

Choose your path and follow it best you can, all anyone can try to do.


We're Seven (7) Chapters In. It's amazing the miracles of God this man is doing on Earth. I can relate with those who are weary of his doins. BUT.............................It's happening right in front of them. And his forgiveness is unheard of. One of the things we all must do, especially after reading these chapters......"FORGIVE." Really hard to Forgive your debtors. You owe me money? Pay Up Biatch! Atleast thats what my Banker says. Peace 

Chapter 17. WOW! Hope Y'ALL are enjoying this Christmas Tradition. Peace

It's that time of year. Let's do this again. Join me and my family. The Book of Luke has 24 Chapters. Read ONE chapter a day. Tis the season to know our Lord Jesus Christ. Start on Dec 1st. Read and understand why we celebrate Jesus Christ DEC 25th. Peace

Day One Today. Let's learn Jesus Christ together! Peace
Just Read Chapter One! Excited for Chapter Two tomorrow. Peace
Been reading again, good reminder 👍
The Bible is a difficult book to read...


A lot is lost in the translations! That alone presents a Huge problem right there.


It was written in VERY different times. I used to go to see a guy named Raul Ries, who is an Outstanding pastor!!!

If he was going to read a Bible verse, he would first start out be setting the scene...

"This guy guy was writing this story, sitting on a dirt floor, in a jail cell, because he had been falsely accused of (insert crime here), and he was writing this letter to (insert recipient here).

So after Raul spent 20 minutes Explaining the Exact reason for what you are reading (many many many decades later), you would begin to understand a little more about the words you are actually reading.

Some say it's a book of confusion.

Not really, but it is definitely Not a book to be read, that will give you the Whole story behind the words.

Good pastors, with decades of training, are worth their weight in gold.

Merry Christmas y'all! 🙏
The Bible is a difficult book to read...

Good pastors, with decades of training, are worth their weight in gold.

Merry Christmas y'all! 🙏

Our Favorite Pastor is Charles Stanley. He's spot on and punches you in the face at the times you need it. Chapter Two was awesome. Excited for Chapter 3 today. Peace
Couldn't wait to read Chapter FOUR this morning. Peace
Chapter Five today was awesome! Excited for more. Thats just wrong ^^^^^^^^^^^ @Esco Peace
My wife's birthday is the 26th. We don't celebrate xmas. We celebrate HER birthday. Typically with a trip somewhere.
there is no heaven or hell :P
Chapter SEVEN was good. Excited for Chapter 8 tomorrow. The crazy thing is....................Is this man (Jesus Christ) a made up fake story? All this is BS? I think NOT! Peace
praise ALLA the true king, haysus and debil are made up.