Christmas Tradition're starting to sound like a preacher...........With a need for speed! Peace

Very cool!

I read 1 chapter of the Bible every night...took over 3 years to read the entire thing.


Very cool!

I read 1 chapter of the Bible every night...took over 3 years to read the entire thing.


I've yet to read it. This will start me tomorrow morning. Nothing like starting with Jesus Christ! Peace

We bought a new 45Ft tree for the foyer and committed to reading a prayer and giving thanks for every foot thru 1.15.24.

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Chapter One Today. Excited to get started. Peace

Wife and I just read Chapter One! We're Hooked. Peace

Chapter Two Done! Peace

Chapter Three is completed. Very Tongue twisted and confusing. Difficult to get thru. Didn't get much out of it. Peace

Very cool!

I read 1 chapter of the Bible every night...took over 3 years to read the entire thing.


Dr Charles Stanley was speaking this exact thing this morning @dbart Peace

IMO, the NASB does the best job of being a good translation & being easy to understand.  quite a few years ago I got one with notes & stuff (study bible), been using it since. 

IMO, the NASB does the best job of being a good translation & being easy to understand.  quite a few years ago I got one with notes & stuff (study bible), been using it since. 
NASB? Peace

New American Standard Bible. 3&version=NASB

To the right of Luke 3 it says New American Standard Bible.  drop down the arrow & change it to King James, then NIV & you can change the translations & see the differences.  one of my favorites is the "Living Bible", but its not a translation its "paraphrase" so its kind of loosy goosy.

For really fun times read Leviticus and Deuteronomy :lol:

But kudos to you guys for making Jesus the reason for the season.


Now behave cHeffrO!

Here is a commentary by Ivan Mackovay from the easy English Bible that helps explain the lineage and the importance of it in chapter 3.  

Verses 23-38 Jesus began his special work for God when he was approximately 30 years old. 

To the *Jews, family history was very important. God had promised to send the *Christ who would be from David’s family. It was necessary to show that the *Christ was a *descendant of David. So, both Matthew and Luke record the family history. Here is an explanation for the two different family lists.

Matthew gives the legal list of names from Abraham to Joseph. In *Jewish law, Joseph was the father of Jesus but in fact, he was not. Matthew starts with Abraham and comes forward in time (Matthew 1:2-16). This shows that Jesus as a man comes from the *Jewish nation. Jesus was the *Christ that God promised to *Israel.

Luke shows that Jesus is not in fact a son of Joseph. So, he gives the list of Mary’s *ancestors. Joseph was the son of Jacob (Matthew 1:16). Heli was his father-in-law (the father of Joseph’s wife Mary). Mary was the daughter of Heli. Probably Luke used the name of the male, Joseph, as it was the custom of the *Jews at that time. The *Jews would not usually end or start the family list with a woman. They would give the name of her husband instead.

Luke shows the family list from Joseph and he goes back in time to Adam. This shows the man Jesus as a relative of all people and not just of the *Jews. God promised Adam that his *descendant would defeat *Satan (Genesis 3:15). This *descendant was Jesus.

Thanks for the suggestion about reading Luke for the holiday. Helps me stay focused and not always thinking about 


Talking with a good friend of mine who's family is Jewish. He's not a hardcore Jewish man but that is how he was raised. And he said the Jewish people don't believe Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD. They believe there is only ONE GOD. So when it is written....."The ONLY way into Heaven is thru Jesus Christ"..............does that mean the Jewish People will NOT go to Heaven although they believe in GOD? Not to open up a bag of worms, just curious. I do Believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of GOD and excited to read about his life (For the First Time). Thanks for the explanation @Blue horse Peace
