Carry in the dunes

Carry in the dunes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 34.0%
  • No

    Votes: 20 40.0%
  • Bacon.

    Votes: 13 26.0%

  • Total voters


New member
May 6, 2021
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Do you carry in the dunes?  I mean generally, if you carry it’s not considered “optional”. Either you do or your don't but in the dunes or boating I figured were safe but then I see a thread about shooting and stabbing and assaults over Halloween.  Perhaps it’s time to carry out in the dunes. 

I keep a pistol in a mini vault in the trailer, but don't carry out in the dunes. We usually stay away from the busy areas and crowds anyway so I'm not too worried about riff raff.

Something to keep in mind, all Commifornia gun laws apply in the dunes. If you don't have a CA issued CCW having a loaded gun in your car is illegal. CA doesn't have reciprocity with any state if I remember correctly. Concealed on you weather loaded or not illegal. If by chance you are justified in using one, the Seros controlled DA will charge you for having a gun. 

Sure it's better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6 but the odds of getting stopped by a ranger or deputy are a thousand times more likely then getting into a deadly force situation. 


I keep one with me on summer rides but not usually during the season.  If we're making a trip to the Troll Hut, I think I throw one in my bag.  That place is creepy.

Something to keep in mind, all Commifornia gun laws apply in the dunes. If you don't have a CA issued CCW having a loaded gun in your car is illegal. CA doesn't have reciprocity with any state if I remember correctly. Concealed on you weather loaded or not illegal. If by chance you are justified in using one, the Seros controlled DA will charge you for having a gun. 

Sure it's better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6 but the odds of getting stopped by a ranger or deputy are a thousand times more likely then getting into a deadly force situation. 

This is correct.  

It’s sad that I even had to start this thread.  Glamis is like Disneyland for grownups. This shouldn’t even be a question 😞

It's California, your best manner of defense is the Nike defense even that sometimes doesn't work.

A couple of guy's from the Ex's old group were camping together  in the same small enclosed trailer one weekend.  Well one guy got drunk the other didn't get drunk the drunk got mouthy the sober one basically  pushed the guy on the ground and told him if he got up he was going to kick his ass.  He then went to bed and tossed the guy's sleeping bag into the back of the truck. Locked the trailer door and went to sleep.  The drunk called the popo. 

5-0 shows up drunk tells him he was assaulted by the guy in that trailer oh and he has a gun.  How can this possibly go wrong huh.  Cops start banging on the enclosed trailer door. Sober guy is like no effing way it's the cops and isn't going to let the drunk lure him back out and start the fight all over again.  It wan't until they had a K-9 unit show up and by telling him thru the door that they were going to pry the door open and let the dog in, who he could now hear barking, that he opened the door. 

Opened the door cops pull him out cuff him demand to know where the gun is. Then he effed up and said what gun....... He knew he had his 9mm under the seat of the locked truck and the only reason the drunk even knew he had a gun in the truck was because when they crossed into California he moved it from the center counsel to under the seat. 

Well the drunk told them where it was.

They get the key's open the truck find the gun and take it. The sober guy the entire time is like WTF.  They told him that he could get the gun back by going on Monday to the Station.  He tried three different times to finally be told that the gun would not be returned to him due to it being "un-registered"  

Anyway cops tell him to go back into his trailer and go to bed, tell drunk guy to stop drinking for the night, The reason the "brawl" started in the first place... and that his sleeping bag was in the bed of the truck he should probably use it.  Sober guy tells the drunk guy he might want to go call his girlfriend in Phoenix and tell her she needs to come get his ass because he was going to need a ride home, Ooops big mistake. 

Cops then tell him that they rode out there together and that if he "left" him they would charge him abandonment or with something if he did.

So the next morning Sober guy gets up early, rides to the store calls drunk guy's mother ( got to love the calling mommy part) instead of his girlfriend.  Tells mom, your son needs a ride home. Gets back from the store drunk guy has all of his stuff packed up ready to load into the trailer. Sober guy just sits down in front of the fire pit and waits.

4 hours later Mom shows up. Sober guy loads his bike and leaves. 

Something to keep in mind, all Commifornia gun laws apply in the dunes. If you don't have a CA issued CCW having a loaded gun in your car is illegal. CA doesn't have reciprocity with any state if I remember correctly. Concealed on you weather loaded or not illegal. If by chance you are justified in using one, the Seros controlled DA will charge you for having a gun. 

Sure it's better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6 but the odds of getting stopped by a ranger or deputy are a thousand times more likely then getting into a deadly force situation. 
Good advice and thanks for input.

I don't carry in dunes but wife does.  Never even remotely needed to but if so, my job is to distract while she pulls out weapon.  

Further educational question - Having a gun in motor home - legal?   

Further educational question - Having a gun in motor home - legal?   
My understanding is that a motorhome while parked is your home and all those laws apply.  Once you start to drive it then it is a car and then those laws apply.

I never really thought about it or considered the need until BigHad posted a story. Apparently he and his daughter were broke down in the bottom of a bowl one night. Three scumbags pull up on Banshees and say "There's 3 of us, one of you, and you've got a hot daughter". Then a few years later LilMoni posted her story about drunken friends thinking they were owed the right to ride toys since they were brought out there and it eventually turned into something out of a movie with the "friends" trying to kill them. Some crazy chit happens when you least expect it.

I don't advertise.  Maybe I'm carrying, maybe I'm not.  You choose if you want to find out or not.
That’s what the “bacon” option was for 😂

I never really thought about it or considered the need until BigHad posted a story. Apparently he and his daughter were broke down in the bottom of a bowl one night. Three scumbags pull up on Banshees and say "There's 3 of us, one of you, and you've got a hot daughter". Then a few years later LilMoni posted her story about drunken friends thinking they were owed the right to ride toys since they were brought out there and it eventually turned into something out of a movie with the "friends" trying to kill them. Some crazy chit happens when you least expect it.
I Remember those stories. There are many that have not been shared too.

While most people are cool, there are always those looking to prey upon a situation. Theft, date rape, molestation on a drunk minor, all that but a reality.

Keep your head on a swivel and protect yore family.

What is the penalty for getting caught carrying in the dunes? 

I think the importance of carrying increases day by day. I know my last time out was first time i carried in the moho. Seems legal to keep/carry/transport in moho if u mind the same CA laws to carry to the range....

Maybe some of you remember a few years ago.  BLM was doing searches on trailers and motorhomes and made the statement...."You better not have guns in here..."

This got out, I called the BLM office in El Centro and asked to talk to the station chief.  She got on the phone and in her best, authoritative voice, told me if I get caught with a gun in the dunes, I will go to jail.  I tried to reason with her on the law, she wasn't having it.  So, I called Imperial County Sheriff's office.  They told me BLM is overstepping and that she was absolutely wrong and that if you can legally own a gun, you can have a gun in your RV.  He stated if this ever happens, immediately tell them to call Imperial County Sheriff (They are going to anyway because they will have to turn you over to them anyway).  He then stated he was going to call BLM and "educate them".

About 30 minutes later, the station chief for the El Centro BLM office called me back and apologized.  She said they did not recommend it and would appreciate it if I did not bring guns to the dunes but that it is legal and is my right.

NOW...carrying while out riding around in the dunes...meh...gray area and different story, but your your "home and you can have it in your home.

Man, we used to go deep in the dunes on off days and go shooting. Totally a great time! 
