Car security while camping

just gps and insure everything if it move i get a txt   let the police deal with it simple and safe you shoot someone you will wind up in jail or at least spending a ton of money on a lawyer. and if they shoot back i dont need that trouble on vacation. don't get me wrong if you come in my house uninvited you will say hi to my 1911 that is almost always in arms reach.

I like the buzzer/alarm. Doesn't sound to difficult to rig up. Thanks for the idea.

We keep our music on really loud throughout the whole night, and have fireworks set on timers going off every 20 minutes. It really deters any shady types from coming though our camp. 

Ive considered using something like this. Lots of ways to get clever with it. I thought about using one for a trailer tongue alarm. Set a random heavy object like a brick on the trailer tongue. With a thin string attached to the alarm. Thief shows up, knocks the brick off and alarm sounds immediately. Hopefully the neighborhood dogs start going nuts and youre outside within 10 seconds. This is all pretending your trailer is parked at home.

Same could work for protecting your campsite. Make a simple trip wire. Or attach the alarm to your existing cable lock. As soon as the cable is moved the alarm will sound. To me thats a little late. Ideally you would be alerted when they get within a couple feet of your toys. Maybe they do a walk by first. See if anyone comes outside. They could claim theyre just drunk and lost.

This works for ice chests as well, fill them full with Keystones, they won’t be touched…

Chummin and I will drink your Keystones while you sleep. Sit in your chairs / burn your wood. Makes less things you have to load up in the morning. See......we're helping. Peace

I set up my Malinois in the rail at night. Great advanced warning system even for drunks. They don't want to come close. 🙂

Enzo Bitework 1.png

Enzo Bitework 2.png

Enzo Bitework 3.png

I use the cable lock and car right outside the window on the Bedroom and My Gun right by me. I am thinking of going with the detachable steering wheel also. Its also Insured as well

I'm surprised wopachop isn't using land mines and Claymores yet...


I use Trak4 gps trackers.

The RCA cable and alarm buzzer is a great idea, most thieves aren't capable of bypassing something like that.

My Rottweiler used to sit on the seat of my long travel golf cart a lot. She wasn't guarding it, she was waiting for me or anyone to take her for a drive.

Excuse me, HER long travel golf cart.


I camp with people that have cars that cost 3x of mine 

Gives me some extra protection

And mine will literally immobilize anyone driving it away within 30 seconds, the advantage of being an electronics guy - the only problem is I believe they will empty their bowels as well. At least when we bench tested it thats what happened.

I’m onna get a hidden GPS wired to the batteries and solar for my box and TH which hold my 2 RZRs.

Make a GEO fence that pings every minute, no contract and call it a day.

Im insured, but would HATE to have to call it in … and then replace …


The buzzer/ alarm idea is perfect and should be easy to carry around and use. I bet a clever electronics guy could build something and sell it.  You could even have it wired into your trailers lights, making them flash. Flashing lights and a buzzer going off would make 99.9% of thieves run like hell. Even the fact that they now have to look out for a 2 pair 14 gauge speaker wire when scoping out something will put a damper on there thieving enterprises 

I had an idea years ago ( when everybody had a car alarm) to put two simple jacks on your truck then just run a wire from one jack around all the toys and back to the other jack. Then set your car alarm, as soon as somebody moves anything far enough to pull one of the wires from either  plug your trucks horn is going to go off. While in a parking lot nobody would pay any attention in camp I think everybody in camp will be looking out a window. 

The buzzer/ alarm idea is perfect and should be easy to carry around and use. I bet a clever electronics guy could build something and sell it.  You could even have it wired into your trailers lights, making them flash. Flashing lights and a buzzer going off would make 99.9% of thieves run like hell. Even the fact that they now have to look out for a 2 pair 14 gauge speaker wire when scoping out something will put a damper on there thieving enterprises 

I had an idea years ago ( when everybody had a car alarm) to put two simple jacks on your truck then just run a wire from one jack around all the toys and back to the other jack. Then set your car alarm, as soon as somebody moves anything far enough to pull one of the wires from either  plug your trucks horn is going to go off. While in a parking lot nobody would pay any attention in camp I think everybody in camp will be looking out a window. 
Speaking of jacks: maybe make it so every wire (except ground and hot) on the 7-way goes to a relay that turns on the tongue jack?  Simple switch inside the trailer would turn off ground to the relay.  Stopped at a light?  Lifting.  Signaling for a lane change?  Lifting.  Backing up? Lifting.  Parking lights on?  Lifting.

Maybe somewhere there will be a thief with the ass-end of his truck hanging and no way to get it down without hacking chit off or diagnosing wiring.


When we camp we usually lock multiple cars together.

My rhino was parked outside my trailer door, but I wore extra ear plugs, left it running, with a full tank of gas, and a sign that says for sale---or whatever...   :bag:


What’s most sad about this thread is the fact that growing up we never ever thought about our stuff getting stolen. Generators, gas cans, tool boxes, 3 wheelers, buggy’s. No one locked stuff up or or came back to camp to find their stuff ripped off. Heck I don’t know if we locked the Motorhome or trailer doors? 

Has anyone tried the Apple AirTag? $29

What’s most sad about this thread is the fact that growing up we never ever thought about our stuff getting stolen. Generators, gas cans, tool boxes, 3 wheelers, buggy’s. No one locked stuff up or or came back to camp to find their stuff ripped off. Heck I don’t know if we locked the Motorhome or trailer doors? 
Hell I remember when the only thing stolen was the beer out of a cooler.  

Harbor Freight "Bunker Hill" driveway alarm. $20 and is loud. Battery powered motion detection. 
