can-am/RzR Glamis Uber??


New member
Nov 6, 2021
Hi all,

my buddies and I want to hit Glamis for the new years 2021, none of us have been to the dunes. Although I did go to the dunes Halloween day, and there wasn't much to see other than tons of traffic from people leaving. I took my 4WD ford explorer to just look around, stopped at the Glamis store and vendor row. Other than that, I couldn't really go anywhere else.

I went for the day, just to scope it out, then drove back home to Rancho Cucamonga. So I have an f250 powerstroke, planning on renting a toy hauler for 3 days for new years and a Can-Am to go with it. The Can-Am alone is 500+/day, super expensive, was going to split it with my buddies but no one wants to drive, and I'm super nervous about driving the dunes the first time in a $30k+ SXS, crashing, flipping over, getting lost, you name it. So against my better judgement I'm not renting one Unless I've done or been before to Glamis, which I and my buddies Have Not.

Before I got a boat, in Havasu we used to pay a guy with a boat to take me and my buddies around the whole lake, cause as a newb it can be confusing and dangerous. Likewise with This.

so the question is, does anyone know of someone that would, for a fee, take us around the dunes? or is that even a thing? cause I'm not going to spend a ton of money to rent a toy hauler only to park in the wash and chill with a bunch of my friends. 

Thank You


That’s smart. A lot to be said about taking it easy and learning as opposed to being oblivious like so many and hauling ass on a machine they are clueless about in an area they don’t know. Crashing every time. One option if you don’t find someone with a 4 seater to take you out, you could take your 4x4 and follow the flatter road down wash 12 to Olds to hang out. Trucks/jeeps make it there. 

When do you plan to go? My wife has to "work from home" in the mornings, so I have an empty seat for a few hours. Planning to go this coming weekend for veterans day, and then again for the week between Christmas and new years. As long as your not a d-bag you can hop in with me for a go around the dunes. 

Sounds smart/safer to get a tour but just exploring the dunes and finding our way around over the years was a really fun and exciting adventure that I wouldn’t miss looking back on it. With that said, we were great desert hard-pack riders, decade of riding experience, before we ever hit the dunes and that transition still ended in lots of learning curve crashes and breakdowns, lol. The dunes is really next level off-road driving that punishes timidness and hesitation (when in doubt gas-it-out!). So I would suggest renting and driving hard-pack first. Learn to drive there, then go to the dunes.   

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Da chEFF has always thought of being a Glamis Guide. Peace
Well it would be an adventure.  I remember when someone was looking for a easy route to the Flag Pole one Veterans weekend.  Oh and it was one of the best rides I’ve ever been on.  

Well it would be an adventure.  I remember when someone was looking for a easy route to the Flag Pole one Veterans weekend.  Oh and it was one of the best rides I’ve ever been on.  

I don't believe we found that Easy Route. Peace
