Camp RZR


New member
Oct 6, 2022
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Hey all

Haven't been to Glamis since 2006ish...I'm thinking of taking the pro R to glamis for camp RZR event. I've got a 38' Ford V8 Class A RV (2WD). Where is the best place to camp on Thursday??

I don't want to get stuck in a sandy area at all. I don't mind being a ways away from the event either.

Also, my pro R has a Montana street plate on it. I'm aware that its not legal in CA for the street but will I need an OHV sticker to ride legally off road even though I've got the street plate?


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Try and get out as early as possible.  Even by Thursday that whole area will likely be a shitshow and get worse by the hour.  Stab your RV into the first spot that looks comfortable to you.

Couple things

It's going to be loud at night and during the day don't be surprised if a full blown rave breaks out twenty feet from your camp. It's going to be crowded, don't be shocked if somebody parks close to you.

It will be dusty, You will not even realize how dusty it was until you start to drive out on Sunday and see the cars covered in a inch of dust.

Also leaving on Sunday can wither be a 15 minute exit or a 3 hour ordeal. The earlier the better but even then it can be bad.

There are going to be SxS drivers who all they do is drive up and down the whoops that run along side of Wash Road. Park to close to where they want to drive and they will drive 10' from your door, maybe closer on the street side of your rig, They will do this 20 hours a day. So the further in from wash road the better off you will be.  When venturing off wash road stay in populated areas.  If you see a big open area on Thursday it more than likely soft, Stay away from the bushes and trees the sand tends to be softer around them.

It's not all that bad but if you realize these things can and will happen you will be in a much better frame of mind when they do.

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Couple things

It's going to be loud at night and during the day don't be surprised if a full blown rave breaks out twenty feet from your camp. It's going to be crowded, don't be shocked if somebody parks close to you.

It will be dusty, You will not even realize how dusty it was until you start to drive out on Sunday and see the cars covered in a inch of dust.

Also leaving on Sunday can wither be a 15 minute exit or a 3 hour ordeal. The earlier the better but even then it can be bad.

There are going to be SxS drivers who all they do is drive up and down the whoops that run along side of Wash Road. Park to close to where they want to drive and they will drive 10' from your door, maybe closer on the street side of your rig, They will do this 20 hours a day. So the further in from wash road the better off you will be.  When venturing off wash road stay in populated areas.  If you see a big open area on Thursday it more than likely soft, Stay away from the bushes and trees the sand tends to be softer around them.

It's not all that bad but if you realize these things can and will happen you will be in a much better frame of mind when they do.

Would you say that staying off Gecko Rd be a more calm atmosphere? Or at least a better hard packed area for the RV? 

Would you say that staying off Gecko Rd be a more calm atmosphere? Or at least a better hard packed area for the RV? 
if you want to stay off gecko you should of had your RV there last weekend. getting a spot there on Thursday most likely wont happen. even on Thursday expect to be down in the high number washes. our group will be there thrusday evening im guessing we will end up around wash 20. 

if you want to stay off gecko you should of had your RV there last weekend. getting a spot there on Thursday most likely wont happen. even on Thursday expect to be down in the high number washes. our group will be there thrusday evening im guessing we will end up around wash 20. 
I'd be happy with wash 20. My concern more than distance is finding a relatively hard packed area to park. My 25k lb RV doesn't like soft sand/dirt - lol maybe its more me trying to avoid a wrecker bill getting stuck...

I'd be happy with wash 20. My concern more than distance is finding a relatively hard packed area to park. My 25k lb RV doesn't like soft sand/dirt - lol maybe its more me trying to avoid a wrecker bill getting stuck...

Momentum works every time. 22 is hardpacked pretty good for a big rig. Peace 

Momentum works every time. 22 is hardpacked pretty good for a big rig. Peace 
Not as much as you’re saying. Trust me  :rofl: everyone is getting motorhomes   Who’s going to pull me out when I get stuck? 

Don't waste your time looking on Gecko.

Drive down Wash Road and find a fairly empty Wash where you can park closer to the main road. Get there at daytime if all possible so you can see a good flat spot vs arriving at night.

As MWB said, it will be loud, crowded, lots of SXS Traffic etc....just be ready for it. Not a big deal for adults, mostly watch your kids if you have any.

Would you say that staying off Gecko Rd be a more calm atmosphere? Or at least a better hard packed area for the RV? 
In the last 30 years of going to Glamis and surrounding areas the area that I have been stuck in the most % wise has been Gecko.  If you drive down Gecko on Thursday afternoon your going to see spots that are open and most of them will be soft and you will get stuck. Or at least I get stuck just about every time I camp park over there 

Consider bringing your ice chests in at night to keep the golf cart hood rats from pilfering your shiz. Disregard if you drink Keystone, not an issue.


Consider bringing your ice chests in at night to keep the golf cart hood rats from pilfering your shiz. Disregard if you drink Keystone, not an issue.

I'll drink yore Stones, ain't scared.

Camped with Col. Sanders and Joe Dirt before, I know what nightmares Freddy has on Dumont street.

When is Camp RZR taking place? Hoping to head to Mother G Nov 2 -5 with our 5th wheel and friends 36’ DP’s with enclosed trailers. Hoping to land on Gecko

Thank JJ! Hopefully the chaos has cleared and we can find a slice of heaven on one of the Gecko pads!

Passed by Vendors today on my way back from Mesa.  Looks like a full on carnival with ferris wheel and other rides.
