Camo Netting?


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
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Haven't had much luck at the nearby "surplus" stores and online systems are pretty pricey. Looking for a hookup on camo netting - to buy or borrow the weekend of 11/13. If you happen to have some or know someone that does, would really like to find a set of the poles/spreaders for it as well. If anyone has a connection please let me know via PM or at 951-314-434four :cheers:

Check out Mary Creamer on FB. She was married to Hogduner and now owns a surplus store, maybe she has some.

Also, you might contact someone in charge of PR or liaison at Camp Pendleton and tell them what you're doing. Sometimes what you're looking for suddenly becomes "unrepairable" and ends up donated to you instead of sent to DLA. 

Another option is to find a local DLA warehouse, that's where the retail surplus stores get their stuff, I believe. I tried Gov planet, but nothing came up when I searched for netting. 

Amazon sells camo netting, but it's not military. 10'x16.5' for $35. Seems kinda pricey.

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I bought a shiz load of it on Amazon for a project awhile back, try there.

We buy 20 ft wide by 90 ft long rolls, direct from China, usually on Ali baba web sites, I have a 20x20 ft piece at my house if that's all you need you can have it? Located in Escondido.

I bought a shiz load of it on Amazon for a project awhile back, try there.
Thanks. I've got a section off amazon before and looking for quite a bit more as well as the poles and spreaders. Can get it all there but this small non-profit is attempting to keep costs down. :thumb:

We buy 20 ft wide by 90 ft long rolls, direct from China, usually on Ali baba web sites, I have a 20x20 ft piece at my house if that's all you need you can have it? Located in Escondido.
A 20x20 would certainly help, especially if I can get ahold of a few more that size and the poles/spreaders.

Each year we ask the veterans to gather at the flag pole for 2+ hours for pictures and the ceremony... Korea, Vietnam, the middle east, and deployments didn't kill them but standing in the sun for their ceremony just might at some point, looking to throw some shade for the vets while they are gathered at the pole.  :cheers:

Thanks. I've got a section off amazon before and looking for quite a bit more as well as the poles and spreaders. Can get it all there but this small non-profit is attempting to keep costs down. :thumb:

A 20x20 would certainly help, especially if I can get ahold of a few more that size and the poles/spreaders.

Each year we ask the veterans to gather at the flag pole for 2+ hours for pictures and the ceremony... Korea, Vietnam, the middle east, and deployments didn't kill them but standing in the sun for their ceremony just might at some point, looking to throw some shade for the vets while they are gathered at the pole.  :cheers:
Got the netting squared away yesterday while on CP @HozayKwarvo  3 of them so big it could cover my house.

Could also pick up the one from @2turbofords since I travel to Esco weekly.
