California offers $100 million to rescue its struggling legal marijuana industry

My sister lives in Denver. What’s happening there is maybe due to lower taxes and less regulation on it is different but they’re pricing the middle class out of everything. The poor have now become poorer due to rising costs and many have now become homeless. The middle class is now where the poverty class was. So you’re either wealthy enough to pay the increases or you simply have nothing. Legalization literally solves zero problems but creates many. 
Colorado is the NEW California. My brother has been there for 16 years and it is awfully BLUE. You either live well or struggle , just like California.

Until the the Feds make it legal, it will continue to be a cash business.  Cash businesses don't pay much in taxes.  The Feds need to legalize it so the banks can accept the money and it is insured through FIDC ( I could be off a bit on the details, but this is what my mom's uncle's cousin's grandmother told me)
Exactly, Cash business is easy to pocket profits and something like  pot makes it even easier to have a skim set up by every employee and employer.

Exactly, Cash business is easy to pocket profits and something like  pot makes it even easier to have a skim set up by every employee and employer.
That’s what drug dealers do, right? No honor amongst thieves. 

Wild how badly California could eff something up.
The easiest money they'd ever get, and they manage to blow it lol.


I think where most people get confused is they think legalization somehow makes more money. It’s still the same money coming from the same citizens. It’s just a redistribution of money that was already there. But now there’s just more of it be “redistributed” to further an already corrupted government. 
