California National Forest are all closed

Often I have seen Az close a particular forest or two, I cant recall in 30+ years the state closing them all at the same time, not that you are wrong.
I am not sure if ALL have been closed as well, what I do know my business is hampered in a big way when the forest are closed in any part of AZ and Ca.

12 are closed, due to the fires, mostly in Northern California. 

Lets get the argument going.

Do you honestly feel it was wrong to close them? 

Or is the bigger issue that the forestry department does not do a good job managing our forests?

Lets get the argument going.

Do you honestly feel it was wrong to close them? 

Or is the bigger issue that the forestry department does not do a good job managing our forests?
Forestry does just fine.

Mother Nature needs to run the cycle of fires every now and then. The issue was have today is people are dumb and careless.

Fires will always happen. Gender Reveal parties gone wrong, target shooting or homeless camps should not be a reason though.


The Indians seemed to have no problems keeping the forest healthy and the undergrowth cleared. And look at the technology that they had available to them. Too bad they were savages and needed to be eradicated.🤔

The Indians seemed to have no problems keeping the forest healthy and the undergrowth cleared. And look at the technology that they had available to them. Too bad they were savages and needed to be eradicated.🤔
Indians used fire to clear old growth.

They need logging and forest thinning to help keep these fires in check.
Exactly. In the past, naturally occurring fires would periodically clear the dead wood and brush. Now, we snuff out all fires as fast as we can until the growth gets so thick that eventually a  fire breaks out that can't be controlled.  Logging and forest thinning is the solution, but the tree huggers lose their minds when you even try to suggest it.

Exactly. In the past, naturally occurring fires would periodically clear the dead wood and brush. Now, we snuff out all fires as fast as we can until the growth gets so thick that eventually a  fire breaks out that can't be controlled.  Logging and forest thinning is the solution, but the tree huggers lose their minds when you even try to suggest it.
Yes, this!  It would be much better to log it and make some fire breaks, and logging doesn't pollute like these fires do.

Indians used fire to clear old growth.
My whole point exactly. They used nature, and controlled burns, so that the fires weren’t hella intense like they are now when we rush out to snuff out any and every fire that erupts.

IMO government these days just finds it easier to shut off access than deal with the real problems of forest management.One place we use to camp they shut it down to camping may through oct now.Forest service stil gets paid just have less work to do.

In AZ they did shutdown all of the forest during our dry spell. The reason they said was not only to keep the dumb asses from burning it down, but as our monsoon storms started up and lightning was causing fires everywhere, it allowed all the resources to fight or contain fires and not have to go through and find people / campers to evacuate. I am not defending, just repeating what was said. 

Regardless, California has a big problem on their hands right now with fires.  

I got one last trip in right before they closed the forests.  It sucks, but I understand why they're doing it.  That said, decades of mismanagement from all the agencies involved and ineptitude/bureaucracy at the high levels of the various fire agencies that got us where we are.  To be 110% clear I am NOT knocking the actual fire-fighters, or even the mid to upper-mid level leadership.  What I'm talking about are the top-top leaders that rub elbows with the likes of Newsom and play politics with fire-fighting for power/funding/clout.  

Lake Tamarack in Shasta-Trinity literally the weekend before they closed the forests: 









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Fires are ridiculous, been in 3 states and fly everyday.

No California fires becuase the fed gov is not involved.  

There is politics in fire fighting massive fires.  

I actully had a day off.  

thanks @Crusty

Years ago needed dozer for doing some work at the property. Hunted around and found a Komatsu (equivalent to a D9). The guy that sold it to me was turning over his fleet and said he did Cal Fire work. Told me when I was done let him know and he'd hook me up with Cal Fire to lease it out. Checked into it and got my self a low boy trailer and tractor. They rated it a Class A dozer and would pay $7300 a day with transport and two operators. First fire we got called to, they call you and if you accept your on the clock. First you head to where they tell you, then wait and have everything inspected, if pass then you sit and wait. They had us at the camp for 5 days and never unloaded and then sent us home. Couldn't believe it. One of the older regulars told me they call it white welfare. Says it happens all the time. Did that for 3 or 4 years until the state started going broke. They changed the rules and after that it sucked. But when a big fire used to hit they liked to let it get going big before they even tried hard to put out so they could get federal money. It's all political.
