CA. Mask mandate /unreal!!!!

Says the resident GD.Com  AZZHOLE

There having fun with the name calling!

Get a life you Jackazz
 All you do is talk chit like a liberal , keyboard tough guy, so back at ya snowflake.

I believe the Joke is the fact there is a mandate to wear a face covering that is made of anything. I got my vaccine.....complied and then they mandated a useless practice for political theatre....If you wanna run around in your Hello Kitty Mask like a little Karen telling others what to do....Go for you say regarding staying on topic......... well....there you go again.........contributing NOTHING.

My tread was about the absolute INSANITY that is taking place. Double Mask up with all your friends.....You , Gavin and Garsetti can take turns holding your breath.....I honestly think its a lack of oxygen that is making you this way............. You gotta be one of the most miserable people I have ever encountered.......

Let it go.......just breathe.......You may find it helpful!!!

Have a good night peaches!


 All you do is talk chit like a liberal , keyboard tough guy, so back at ya snowflake.
Call the GD.Com Hotline.....(how did you say it....???) oh yeah........ Bro......

1-800-WHAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!


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I've said from day one that I don't believe in mandates either, but reading comprehension is clearly not yore strong suit (almost like you bumped yore head). Funny how yore biggest supporter proudly touts his cerebral damage and extreme obesity. Ought to tell you something...  That said, I only wear masks when asked. I go out of my way to eat and shop where masks are not required, but when necessary, I'll wear one and  don't bitch and moan like a little liberal snowflake.  I respect private business owners in that way, and don't pretend to be a tough guy know it all like you. Unlike you. I also keep myself in shape so I've never really been afraid of Covid any more than a common cold. I used to think you were alright, but your constant personal attacks have gotten old. 

I've said from day one that I don't believe in mandates either, but reading comprehension is clearly not yore strong suit (almost like you bumped yore head). Funny how yore biggest supporter proudly touts his cerebral damage and extreme obesity. Ought to tell you something...  That said, I only wear masks when asked. I go out of my way to eat and shop where masks are not required, but when necessary, I'll wear one and  don't bitch and moan like a little liberal snowflake.  I respect private business owners in that way, and don't pretend to be a tough guy know it all like you. Unlike you. I also keep myself in shape so I've never really been afraid of Covid any more than a common cold. I used to think you were alright, but your constant personal attacks have gotten old. 


#1  WTF are you talking about , I re read my entire tread in order to check my "reading comprehension"...NOTHING had anything to do with you............You never once did you give your mask opinion........Nothing in this tread was about you.  (almost like you bumped yore head)

#2 My biggest supporter ????  Who the hell are you talking about ????? No clue on this one (almost like you bumped yore head)

#3 I don't pretend to be a tough must be mistaken me with one of yore "Bro Crowd" / I was expressing an opinion about the Super Bowl where 70K fans who DIDN'T wear masks YET my Kid has to wear one in school ...Maybe check your "Reading comprehension" before attacking someone for no reason whatsoever..........simple courtesy............(Its almost like you bumped yore head)

#4 Thanks for sharing what great shape you are in....means a lot to me....... IN FACT......... I do keep myself in shape / 5 days in the gym or on the mat.....gave up drinking  and been enjoying a healthy diet........and for the record, I too am not afraid of covid.... I keep healthy ...drink lots of fluids.......and been making  good mental and physical decisions........ What the eff does that have to do with anything in my tread .about Government Tyrants selectively enforcing the law in a state of call me a liberal snowflake.......Yeah....OK. Mr Bro...... You honestly are not making any sense....honestly, you are coming unglued..... (almost like you bumped yore head)

#5 I don't know you .........but daaam........ if you are not the Pot Calling the Kettle black........ What is your problem...."know it all tough guy".....Me........naah,.....more like an average hard working family guy that is doing his best to make it here in CA. that comes on for some R&R..NOT to be trolled by some  wacko..........Pretty simple person really. .You on the other hand are a 100% TROLL that loves to take shots at people in order to make yourself feel better ....... I have no idea why......Don't be that guy...................You are a complete trouble maker who thinks his chit don't stink. Maybe its the lack of oxygen from the double masking ........OR maybe.....( you bumped yore head) either way........  Ain't Nobody Got Time for Dat!!!.........

I have never done this on GD but hey, they say .... Never argue with an idiot... the people watching won't know who is who!!!  Soo I will Hit the IGNORE Button and get rid of a GD.COM Cancer!!!!  

Later Bro!!!!


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#1  WTF are you talking about , I re read my entire tread in order to check my "reading comprehension"...NOTHING had anything to do with you............You never once did you give your mask opinion........Nothing in this tread was about you.  (almost like you bumped yore head)

#2 My biggest supporter ????  Who the hell are you talking about ????? No clue on this one (almost like you bumped yore head)\

#3 I don't pretend to be a tough must be mistaken me with one of yore "Bro Crowd" / I was expressing an opinion about the Super Bowl where 70K fans who DIDN'T wear masks YET my Kid has to wear one in school ...Maybe check your "Reading comprehension" before attacking someone for no reason whatsoever..........simple courtesy............(Its almost like you bumped yore head)

 #4 Thanks for sharing what great shape you are in....means a lot to me....... IN FACT......... I do keep myself in shape / 5 days in the gym or on the mat.....gave up drinking  and been enjoying a healthy diet........and for the record, I too am not afraid of covid.... I keep healthy ...drink lots of fluids.......and been making  good mental and physical decisions........ What the eff does that have to do with anything in my tread .about Government Tyrants selectively enforcing the law in a state of call me a liberal snowflake.......Yeah....OK. Mr Bro...... You honestly are not making any sense....honestly, you are coming unglued..... (almost like you bumped yore head)

#5 I don't know you .........but daaam........ if you are not the Pot Calling the Kettle black........ What is your problem...."know it all tough guy".....Me........naah,.....more like an average hard working family guy that is doing his best to make it here in CA. that comes on for some R&R..NOT to be trolled by some  wacko..........Pretty simple person really. .You on the other hand are a 100% TROLL that loves to take shots at people in order to make yourself feel better ....... I have no idea why......Don't be that guy...................You are a complete trouble maker who thinks his chit don't stink. Maybe its the lack of oxygen from the double masking ........OR maybe.....( you bumped yore head) either way........  Ain't Nobody Got Time for Dat!!!.........

I have never done this on GD but hey, they say .... Never argue with an idiot... the people watching won't know who is who!!!  Soo I will Hit the IGNORE Button and get rid of a GD.COM Cancer!!!!  

Later Bro!!!!

  Good riddance. I prefer to have mature discussions without getting attacked constantly by you, and the fact that I sunk to your level on this thread is embarrassing. 

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@Poule43 to answer your primary question. Why do my kids have to wear a mask at School, when Bronn Bronn and company didn't have to at the Superbowl.

Simple because the teachers union is a lot more powerful then the NFL's player or the ushers union's . 

Also take this as a teaching moment, teach your kid about civil disobedience.  Wouldn't you be a proud dad when he makes the local news because he lead the drop your mask on the desk and walk out movement.

Teachers are not going to get paid if there are no students.. 

@Poule43 to answer your primary question. Why do my kids have to wear a mask at School, when Bronn Bronn and company didn't have to at the Superbowl.

Simple because the teachers union is a lot more powerful then the NFL's player or the ushers union's . 

Also take this as a teaching moment, teach your kid about civil disobedience.  Wouldn't you be a proud dad when he makes the local news because he lead the drop your mask on the desk and walk out movement.

Teachers are not going to get paid if there are no students.. 
The problem with that approach...This would be seen as a right-winged extremist protest and then the kids would be labled and all their hard work to do well and get into a good school would be for nothing.  The school might/would deny the kids to walk for graduation, prom, sports, etc...Colleges would reject applications.

BUT...if it was a liberal cause...the kid is a leader and voice for the community.

I f*cking hate the world we live in now.

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My son has to wear a mask Everyday in school but its amazing. No masks whatsoever at the Super-bowl how the hell is this possible

its time people / stop complying with anything our elite officials “good for thee but not for me” azzwipes

Newscum is a complete and utter POS

As usual, our kids get hosed and big $$$$ rules the world!!!!

i am sooo glad nobody is complying with the mask mandate at sofi stadium!!!!!

Everyone needs to do that with EVERYTHING they unjustly shove down our throats ALL the Time!!!

CA Government Sucks!!! Total Azzwipes

NEVER comply EVER.  This chit stops when we tell them it stops.  STOP COMPLYING. The kids at Norco Intermediate did - what a fantastic sight.

Another factor that concerns me is the health and mental drawbacks of breathing elevated levels of CO2 and lowered oxygen levels for extended periods of time. From what I've seen, kids these days need all of the oxygen they can get. Studies have shown a steady drop in IQ scores every yr in each class of students born after 1975. 

Norwegian researchers analyzed the IQ scores of Norwegian men born between 1962 and 1991 and found that scores increased by almost 3 percentage points each decade for those born between 1962 to 1975 – but then saw a steady decline among those born after 1975.

Intelligence is heritable, and for a long time, researchers assumed that people with high IQ scores would have kids who also scored above average. Moreover, it was thought that people with lower scores would have more kids than people with high IQ scores, which would contribute to a decline in IQ scores over time and a “dumbing down” of the general population, according to Rogeberg.

Anyone who has seen the film “Idiocracy” might already be familiar with these ideas. In the scientific community, the idea of unintelligent parents having more kids and dumbing-down the population is known as the dysgenic fertility theory, according to Ritchie.

Now compound this falling IQ problem with forcing children to breath unhealthy levels of CO2 and dangerously low O2 levels. This video shows the lowered O2 levels when wearing a mask. They're below OSHA standards for an adult work environment, I would think it would be even more damaging to young kids trying to learn or in gym class.

@Poule43 to answer your primary question. Why do my kids have to wear a mask at School, when Bronn Bronn and company didn't have to at the Superbowl.

Simple because the teachers union is a lot more powerful then the NFL's player or the ushers union's . 

Also take this as a teaching moment, teach your kid about civil disobedience.  Wouldn't you be a proud dad when he makes the local news because he lead the drop your mask on the desk and walk out movement.

Teachers are not going to get paid if there are no students.. 
my kids have been participating in this exact movement since Monday.   We are in one of 12 districts out of 233 in az that are requiring masks.  

im super proud of my boys.  Do what you believe in. 

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