CA looking at doubling taxes to fund single-payer healthcare

What about those of us that did not vote for him in the first place and voted to recall him but are still stuck here for a few more years? Do we deserve to pay double and hurt? Do we need to be punished?
I wasn't talking to you.. I didn't vote for Him either, and I voted for Larry before I left on the recall... I am right there with you.. But I left, as I no longer wanted anymore of the insanity. If you have to stay, I feel for you.. but unfortunately if you haven't figured it out already, you are outnumbered. So you are along for the ride.. And until the masses either figure out stupid hurts, and begin to vote for self responsibility nothing is going to change..Personally I do not believe it will. I fear they will keep doubling down on surfdom, and we will end up in Hunger games.. Either way I chose not to participate.. Unfortunately eventually this will become a National issue . Its why you are seeing people flee to pockets of normalcy.. I don't know when the Waterloo happens, but it is going to come to a head at some point.. That kind of socialism is unsutainable.. history has shown it doesn't work with several examples spread over hundreds of years.  Yet somehow the elite think this time "they" are different.. Sorry if I uset you or others. It it was not my intention. I am frustated at the stupidity of society, and how easily they hand over their rights and freedoms. It truly is sad I had to leave an area I loved, but I will sacrifice for my freedom.. And if called to do so, I will pick up arms and defend them along other like minded Americans. Not many years ago this kind of change could be accomplished in the voting booth.. I fear that ship has sailed. I hope I am wrong. 

Forget the financial disaster it will create, let's talk about the practical aspects on the medical side. They are going to tell people they can see a doctor whenever they like, for whatever they like, and it will cost them nothing??? People will go to the doctor for every ache, pain, sniffle, cough, etc... Where will they find enough doctors to handle all this? They will have to either ration health care in some way or there will be huge waiting lists to get to see a doctor due to the overload.
