CA looking at doubling taxes to fund single-payer healthcare

The people on this site are going to get taxes. 

YEEHAA!. Gavin is my buddy. Peace

Good riddance to that state.. The sheeple voted to keep the clown.. They deserve to pay double.. Stupid should hurt. Thats the only way they’ll possibly learn. And I say”possibly” b/c more than likely they won’t because theyve been brainwashed to think they’re evil Americans who need to be punished..

It is amazing there weren't enough folks to successfully recall Newscum.

i like how brain dead the people who write these bills are.

CA already has a population decrease and have seen alot of businesses leave, alot of big businesses leave. most due to high taxes. yet 2 of the 3 tax hikes are aimed at businesses. more business will leave and the people who own/run those business will leave so that is even less money the state can collect when the business leaves taking the highest earners with them as well. only business left that is profitable would be UHaul. 

For us, our exit strategy started in 2016 with the "Spit California into 6 states" initiative.  Saw a TV interview of a proponent of splitting the state.  He said 'out loud' they wanted states were the super rich would reside and just have poor folks there to serve them. That the 'middle class' was just a pain in the butt because they complained too much.   Basically a 3rd world caste system.  And seems Costal California is nearly there in a lot of respects. Gated commutes surrounded by homeless camps (lets just call them tiny home communities). Started looking at the taxes we were paying. Figured at that time 60+++% of our income was going out in tax.  Income tax State/fed, property tax, fuel tax, sales tax, new taxes on utilities... Nat. gas, water/sewer, trash pickup. Water bill went from $60 per month to $150 in about 5 years, with new taxes.  The "golden state" to us, was tarnished brass.  Now we work part-time, doing the same kind of work, and living really well.  Our Electric here is a flat $0.05.8 per kilowatt.  High desert area, 110º in July/August AC at 72º, our bill is around $100.  Now too in California, with talk of 'home solar' incentives being massively scaled back, that's a whole other can of worms.... 

they've already effed us into oblivion with our current tax schedules, why not make retirement completely unobtainable... fuk ca 

The Dems are looking at a federal rule to allow your "home" state to tax your retirement no matter where you move. Ca has tried it and been shot down, a fed law would make it legal..... ha.  Who says they are not a cancer.........

The Dems are looking at a federal rule to allow your "home" state to tax your retirement no matter where you move. Ca has tried it and been shot down, a fed law would make it legal..... ha.  Who says they are not a cancer.........
this is why so many people opt to live "homeless and free" you can't tax those who do not contribute

Good riddance to that state.. The sheeple voted to keep the clown.. They deserve to pay double.. Stupid should hurt. Thats the only way they’ll possibly learn. And I say”possibly” b/c more than likely they won’t because theyve been brainwashed to think they’re evil Americans who need to be punished..
What about those of us that did not vote for him in the first place and voted to recall him but are still stuck here for a few more years? Do we deserve to pay double and hurt? Do we need to be punished?

If they couldn't straighten it out on the national election, there is no way it can be an honest count on a state level.
I’ve driven through SlabCity on several occasions and oft wondered why it can’t be kept clean and more orderly? If it were possible I don’t see that being a terrible option. Just too much trash strewn around for me.

Unfortunately I'm kinda 'stuck' in CA.. but I have a plan for when they raise taxes that high... I just will only work part time and make $150k/year.. everything's paid for.. I'll just vacation once I hit a 'tax bracket.'

Crappy solution, but I'm not paying a higher %.

