
have a good weekend.

words from mom:

Never touch your eye while cutting up peppers.

Do you need something to cry about?

Go & get me the wooden spoon.

Damn....  I should have stopped and got some beer. ..  

love me some guinness

Me too....  I'm up and down on it.  Sometimes I love it and sometimes I can't stand it.  Right now.... I'm on the up side....  

Morning folks.  time to make the doughnuts.

Welcome to the club!


Love me some Guiness too!

The last one is probably my favorite.   The headlights in the distance, my wife and son sitting in the car, the sun juuuuuuuuust going down, old glory waving, the beauty of Mother G.  I can imagine a better picture or day!!  One of the best I had out there.  
