Battery powered lawn care equipment???

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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I'm a carbon footprint kinda guy and have always had gas powered lawn equipment.
I'm about to hire a gardener and have an opportunity to have a family member do my yard. But I need to buy the mower weed wacker.
What are you using that your happy with.

Small front lawn 650 sq ft.
Small back yard 650 sq ft.

I have all snap on cordless stuff at work.
Home cordless is porter cable.

So this would be another brand.

I tried the black and decker lead acid mower. Batts lasted 3 years. Punted it and bought a honda gas mower. I loved my makita string trimmer though. If I were to try battery today, I would look at makita. Seems to be the most serious about building a quality tool.


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im scared of the battery stuff. my best friends son in law just had his garage burn and almost lost the house due to a battery fire from charging.
been out of his house now almost a year for the rebuild. Have another neighbor have a close call with his battery mower, but caught it in time. not sure what causes this, but sure scares me so i stick with my gas honda commercial mower.
Gas powered Honda mower, Ryobi battery powered weed whacker and blower. No complaints.
I ran all Ego yard stuff (string trimmer, hedge trimmer, edger, leaf blower, pole saw, and a chainsaw) and loved everything but the chainsaw). Leaf blower, string trimmer (carbon), edger, and pole saw were fantastic tools. I never got around to trying the mower.
My Electric Blower sucks now. Gas powered works much better. Electric mows / weed eats little yards well. Reality is...........if you're going to travel across the country, you'll need gas / diesel. Around your little town...Electric works fine. Peace
I've had a 2-3ac yard most of my life, 3-4hrs to mow and trim, so elec was never an option. I have a small yard now (an hour ish total) so I decided to give elec a try. A friend gave me a homelite mower that I use atv batteries in (readily accessible to me) and have the Walmart brand Hart blower and trimmer. I'm surprised how well it works and that I like it, quick and quiet to get going/finish up. So I guess it depends on the size of your yard more than anything.
I’ve been buying the Harbor Freight elect clippers etc with a coupon. They work good.

Honda makes excellent Electric Lawn Mowers but doesn’t sell them in the USA.
Its what I’ve been waiting for.
I have a Honda lawn mower and I would not recommend one.
As far as Battery powered, I have a DeWalt blower and weed whip. Handheld blower is awesome for roof, gutters, driveway, porch, etc. Weed whip is good for lawn/grass only. Don't even try to do thick weeds or vegetation.
We have a bunch of Stihl battery tools we HAD to buy. The pole hedger and pole saw are decent. Batteries are expensive as hell. Like $400+/- each.
Problem is, if you have an issue with them, there's nothing to repair or fix. It's all electrical.