

Well-known member
May 4, 2021
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I know I am one of the few here that watch sports still (yes I hate the BS and crybaby Crap) but this has been a part of my life for over 50yrs

as long as they or I stay in SD they are my team :jeff:


I still watch sports, but born and raised in LA area, go Dodgers, Kings, Rams, and Lakers.......................I don't watch too much Basketball, the game is boring to me now.............and Not a fan of Lebron.

I watch baseball, football, the Golf Majors

Golf is hard for me to watch, It just puts me to sleep.

Use to watch NASCAR but they watered down the product to a point that it is just about unwatchable

Baseball is a nice afternoon and can be a good game even in the dog days of summer

Hockey Playoff Hockey is the only thing I can watch

Basketball, is a lot like Hockey and is best in the post season but, When you only have to watch the last minute of a game it's not as much fun with all the fouls,time outs and free throws.

Football is still good entertainment as long as the Network doesn't promote the pre-game drama. 

I will watch just about anything as long as it is a good game and the outcome isn't predetermined, Hell even if it is a bad game and one team with a douche like LeBron is getting shellacked  I will watch.

You know those padres fans.. better keep your hands up around them 😄

I dont watch any "pro" sports any more.  they are either boring or I cant stand the azz holes that brought politics to the sport.  Ph'em all........

& for the record: If your gonna stand up, you probably ought to have your hands up too................

They're going to get the message when people sTOP buying tickets. I've given up my Cowboys season tickets. I've given up on the Rangers / Mavericks / Cowboys but.....Hockey / Motocross / Golf count me IN. These PRO sports need to earn their living. They don't have time to be political junkies. They need the money! I do like the EFF "PRO" Sports comment. They're making too much money! Peace

I know I am one of the few here that watch sports still (yes I hate the BS and crybaby Crap) but this has been a part of my life for over 50yrs

as long as they or I stay in SD they are my team :jeff:

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Yes sir !! Born and raised as a Padre fan !!  I love watching the LA fans get so triggered this year.  NL west is the best I have ever seen it.

Go Padres!!   Awesome sweep vs the REDS last weekend with our AAA team 🙂 

not gonna happen in our lifetime people like events and will always go, it is what it is

Yes sir !! Born and raised as a Padre fan !!  I love watching the LA fans get so triggered this year.  NL west is the best I have ever seen it.

Go Padres!!   Awesome sweep vs the REDS last weekend with our AAA team 🙂 
How many WS Championships do the Padres have? 😏 lol

Motorcross, Baseball (Dodgers) and Football (Rams) is what I will watch.   Usually go to a few Dodger games a year.  Actually went to a Dodger game last month.  It was weird being in Dodger stadium with limited capacity, but it was also nice having plenty of room to spread out.   

I love baseball but swore MLB off finally and for the last time with their latest virtue signaling. Done. Kaput. I'm out. Back in the day I was hardcore into it and collected cards as a kid... the strike of 1981 soured me enough to Crapcan all my cards and swear off the sport for 10+ years, only to say EFF it again in '94. I write it off once more until my own kids started playing and the in-laws had Angels season tix... but I'm completely over MLB now. Never ever was into NBA, and the NFL lost me when they got woke as well. I used to be a huge fan of all of it... fantasy leagues, always tracking scores and stats... but I can't won't invest into anything that is "woke". Hell, I have drank Coke for 30+ years and haven't bought one since they pulled the same Crap... eff them all to hell :fof:

Wife and kids watch baseball regularly and I leave the room.

I know I am one of the few here that watch sports still (yes I hate the BS and crybaby Crap) but this has been a part of my life for over 50yrs

as long as they or I stay in SD they are my team :jeff:

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We got the monkey off our back with the No Hitter..... Can we get the Daily Double with the World Series?..... I like the pitching, but our bats better wake the F up!!

Yes sir !! Born and raised as a Padre fan !!  I love watching the LA fans get so triggered this year.  NL west is the best I have ever seen it.

Go Padres!!   Awesome sweep vs the REDS last weekend with our AAA team 🙂 
I don't know any Dodgers fans that are 'Triggered" about the 2nd place Padres.  Padres have been our bitches forever.  Love going to Petco (or Qualcomm) and watching the Padre fans try to get under my is like that little brother always trying to be cool.

I do love the competition this year, Padres went all in to try to beat the Dodgers this year, about Effin time.  Let's see if it is sustainable.

My house is split, 2 Padre fans and 3 Dodgers fans, and we are all huge Baseball times

I went to Dodger Stadium for the first time since the 'rona started last Friday.  And I went again last night.  And. It. Was.  Awesome.

PS  Seeing Albert Pujols in a Dodger jersey was very strange .  .
