Anyone us a macerator?


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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I want to dump my trailer at home. I miss having a clean out like I had at my other house. Problem is my house now is on septic and the tank is located behind my garage with no access and is too high from any place I can get near it. This past weekend my buddy and my dad both told me about a macerator. I’ve watched videos and read plenty of reviews. Seems it’s the answer to my problem but wondered if anyone here has used one and what your thoughts are. It won’t need to pump uphill but it will be pumping about 50’. Any help would be great.

I don’t have one yet but about to order one for my Moho. Everyone I’ve talked to that has one says they are great. Only minor issue is it takes a few minutes longer to empty the tanks. 

I use one and it works great except for baby wipes. They get stuck in the macerator blades as would any other feminine hygiene products. Not fun getting them unstuck. 
I got my macerator at Amazon and it came with a 1” output fitting. I couldn’t find a 1” hose at a reasonable price so I got a 100 foot 3/4” heavy duty garden hose. Adapted it with about a 2 foot piece of 1” reinforced clear tubing with the appropriate fittings.  Got all of that at Home Depot for a lot less. 
I’ve also used macerators on my boats to dump the tank at sea.  Using one on an RV is much better because if something goes wrong, and it will, I’d rather be outside than down inside a boat hull dealing with the problem. 

I've been using a Flojet 18555 for 5-6 years. I use it with 30 feet of 1" hose made by a company called Clean Dump.  I really don't have any complaints.  It allows me to dump into a clean out in my garage wall. As long as nothing but bodily waste and TP go into the toilet, you shouldn't have any problems.  I definitely don't miss trying to find a convenient place to dump on the way home, or waiting in line.

I have two dump stations at home  - the easiest one is up hill slightly,  and I don't have to move the RV and slinky out the hose to use it. I use the Macerator is fast and easy.  I have been using it with my RV and Toyhauler and no issues for over 2 years.  And I do no maintenance - use it and put it away. 

We are very careful as to what we put down the toilet though.  I do a dump and full flush until  everything comes out clear,  then as usual follow up with gray water and a gray water flush,  I am sure that helps to keep it clean as well. 

I have one and have used it regularly for years now, just like others have said. be careful of the wipes. 

I have one in my RV.  Like others said, I do not miss waiting to use the dump.  Fast and easy, I pump through a small hose to my septic cleanout about 50 feet from the RV.

I use one and it works great except for baby wipes. They get stuck in the macerator blades as would any other feminine hygiene products. Not fun getting them unstuck. 
Unless it's you, I'd be having a talk with whoever the hell is putting baby wipes (or other feminine products) in your RV black tank.

Maybe they need to dump the tank once or twice to understand!

Used them for 15 years, I don't use dump stations. They work better on the Moho which has a drain straight out of the bottom of the tank, the trailers with an extension at a lower angle you have to be diligent about rinsing. You have to be clear with visitors to manage what they put down the toilet and to not swallow seeds 😅. I pump mine about 50" to the houses clean out.

Save empty coffee cans or get a small trash can with a lid to keep near the RV toilet. I dont put any type of paper down the black tank. 

Easy to do if youre camping alone. Might be a little hard to get the whole family to jump on board. 

Extra important if you keep baby wipes in the bathroom. 

As Jeff Foxworth would say...Here's yore sign..


I have been using one for about 5 years. The trick I've found is not to run home and flush out your tank, rather wait until your next trip is a week away. I've waited 4 months before and had no problems, it won't dry up into a solid block. This lets the chemicals break down everything and the macerator has an easy job. We flush tons of baby wipes, never had a single problem.

I have been using one for about 5 years. The trick I've found is not to run home and flush out your tank, rather wait until your next trip is a week away. I've waited 4 months before and had no problems, it won't dry up into a solid block. This lets the chemicals break down everything and the macerator has an easy job. We flush tons of baby wipes, never had a single problem.
I put left over ice in my tank before I leave to drive home, when you get home it is melted and everything is nice and broken down as well.  Really helps with keeping the gauges clean as well.
