Anyone Skateboard?

Used to skate daily in the 80's-90's.  Even built a half pipe in the street of our neighborhood (cul-de-sac).  Now 48 and don't ride often but still enough that I've taught all 3 of my daughters to skate.  Get yourself a long board and be ready to fall.  My Friend is contemplating building a mini half pipe this summer.  If he does I won't be able to resist!!   SK8 or die!!

Used to back in the 80's-90's....Pipeline Skatepark every Friday after school.

Del Mar Skate ranch a few times same with Mike McGills in Carlsbad, Vans Skatepark in Orange

Built 2 different halfpipes in my backyard. Skated all over with my friends...some who turned pro.

Been to Lance Mountains house a bunch of times.

I miss it big time. I follow a bunch of guys on Instagram just to keep watching it.

Was never really into street skating...

I too think about getting a board and getting back on it, but I'm 52 now.

I still have it all in my head what to do. 

The church down the street from me has a small halfpipe. That would be fun, but I'd be that old guy!


He didn't ask "Give me your skateboard autobiography", puteaux. :mac:

Get one of the new ones that doesn't have metal wheels.
Funny. My first skateboard had metal wheels. I used to skate pools back in the 60’s. Now at 73, I just cruise the longboard.  You might see me mid-week on Gecko Road.

My recommendation is to start with a longboard and stay away from the tricks until you get very comfortable.

And most importantly, age doesn’t matter.

53 and got my first board when I was 4.  It was a plank of wood with metal wheels.   :lol:

I skated, did bumper pulls, towed behind bikes and mini-bikes.  Did half-pipe, freestyle.  No way I could do any of that now.

Still have one of my boards from the mid-80's.  I've been told it's worth a pretty penny being in good shape.

I've often thought about getting a long electric board.  

He didn't ask "Give me your skateboard autobiography", puteaux. :mac:
Listen up Tiny Avenger, the title said anyone skateboard? 

So, a matter of fact I do have experience and also have been thinking about it again, but I have my concerns being :ex:  ya know :poke:

And yes, I thought I would lay a little background so suck it puteaux!


:cheers: maing! :biggrin:

Listen up Tiny Avenger, the title said anyone skateboard? 

So, a matter of fact I do have experience and also have been thinking about it again, but I have my concerns being :ex:  ya know :poke:

And yes, I thought I would lay a little background so suck it puteaux!


:cheers: maing! :biggrin:
Just to be clear....none of this is a personal attack... :lol:

I've recently gotten a wild hair to try skateboarding, no idea why, but I can't seem to shake it. I can snowboard pretty well, and wakeboard when I get the chance but have never been successful at attempting to skateboard. Do any of you skateboard or have experience with it? I think through research I should start on a larger cruiser as I'm not really looking for tricks, just riding around, maybe some ollies and bowl riding, but am open to suggestions. Thanks ahead of time, the recent motorcycle post made me decide to ask here.
i was very good on a snowboard but could not skate at all, a ollie up a curb is the best i ever did. i liked just riding around on my board, i ended up giving my board to a neighbor kid. i been starting to get back into flatland BMX, i still have my dyno from the late 90s. good luck hope you have fun. 

Listen up Tiny Avenger, the title said anyone skateboard? 

So, a matter of fact I do have experience and also have been thinking about it again, but I have my concerns being :ex:  ya know :poke:

And yes, I thought I would lay a little background so suck it puteaux!


:cheers: maing! :biggrin:
I postedid an estatement; nos a keshion. :tll:

Ended up ordering a Santa Cruz complete cruiser board. Didn't want to spend that much but figured that by the time I ordered a cheaper setup and upgraded the bearings/bushings/maybe wheels I'd be close to the same price so might as well get something decent. I'm oddly excited to try, like jareddustin, I've never been able to skateboard at all, like fall as soon as I step on kind of bad, so i guess well see how it goes next week! Thank you all again for the motivation!

Ended up ordering a Santa Cruz complete cruiser board. Didn't want to spend that much but figured that by the time I ordered a cheaper setup and upgraded the bearings/bushings/maybe wheels I'd be close to the same price so might as well get something decent. I'm oddly excited to try, like jareddustin, I've never been able to skateboard at all, like fall as soon as I step on kind of bad, so i guess well see how it goes next week! Thank you all again for the motivation!
Good choice!

The best advice I can give you is to learn how to fall. Once you got that down it's all cake!
