Another one escapes CA... sort of.

I haven't looked at the schedule but it would be cool to come out for a Raider / Niner game too. The stadium is pretty bad ass from what I hear. 

Congrats dude, wow your life changes quite a bit.   Nice shop!

congratulations TJ :thumb: moving out of calif was the best thing ive ever done. best part is coming to the realization of how much stress all those things created in your life are now gone.

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Congrats TJ!!  You won't miss CA!!   I can say that as a life long Californian that moved to AZ.

@tjZ06 Yeah I’ll pick it up. I have a loooooooong trailer. Lol
That's what she said? 

I haven't looked at the schedule but it would be cool to come out for a Raider / Niner game too. The stadium is pretty bad ass from what I hear. 
Yeah, and a Sharks/Godlen Showers game.  Tickets are crazy expensive though, that's one big downside because the casinos buy up tons of tickets to give to high-rollers and stuff.

Congrats dude, wow your life changes quite a bit.   Nice shop!
The only constant is change! 

congratulations TJ :thumb: moving out of calif was the best thing ive ever done. best part is coming to the realization of how much stress all those things created in your life are now gone.
Yeah, man I felt instantly relaxed when I hit the NV border on the trip where I took my pew-pew and freedom seeds.  

Congrats TJ!!  You won't miss CA!!   I can say that as a life long Californian that moved to AZ.
And if I *do* miss it, we'll just take the RV and go see friends/family in CA for a week or two.  Of course, for the next ~2 years I'm still here weekly, so I doubt we'll want to come back for vacation (other than Glamis... but Glamis doesn't feel like CA to me 😉 ). 


I left CA 21 years ago and don’t miss it at all. Zero desire to live there again. Only problem I have now is Oregon is becoming more like CA every day 🤑🤑. Oregon income tax is up to 9.75% but no sales tax. But all indications are they will add sales tax in the near future. 

Vegas is currently top of our very short list of possible retirement spots in a few years. I may try to find a 1-2 acre lot and build a house and shop. But my wife wants to be close to amenities (shops, restaurants, coffee houses, groceries, etc). I doubt I will find much of a lot near these amenities but we’ll see. My father-in-law lives in a high rise condo in Summerlin and loves it. I thought about doing the condo thing then just doing my shop within a reasonable drive but that doesn’t sound super appealing to me to have drive to my shop.
