Aggravating or not?


Active member
May 9, 2021
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Today I go to Lowes and by a hitch, dryer and 2 hitch pins (on sale, for a buck 87, wahOOOO).

I get to the self-checkout and scan everything. I get to the pins....grrrrrr. The label is wrapped around the pin, half wrapped around, and half stuck onto itself, sticking out. and won't scan (Naturally). I try it, like, 3 times. I interrupt the cashiers from their conversation w/each other and tell them, "These won't scan." OH, those sometimes don't scan because it is wrapped... (No shit Sherlock) The 1st thing they is try to scan the twice.

Then they key it in manually. I couldn't keep my mouth shut, "Like I said, they won't scan."

Did they just tell me that I was stupid and didn't know how to point the reader-gun at the code and pull the trigger? Did they just wast my time?
Today I go to Lowes and by a hitch, dryer and 2 hitch pins (on sale, for a buck 87, wahOOOO).

I get to the self-checkout and scan everything. I get to the pins....grrrrrr. The label is wrapped around the pin, half wrapped around, and half stuck onto itself, sticking out. and won't scan (Naturally). I try it, like, 3 times. I interrupt the cashiers from their conversation w/each other and tell them, "These won't scan." OH, those sometimes don't scan because it is wrapped... (No shit Sherlock) The 1st thing they is try to scan the twice.

Then they key it in manually. I couldn't keep my mouth shut, "Like I said, they won't scan."

Did they just tell me that I was stupid and didn't know how to point the reader-gun at the code and pull the trigger? Did they just wast my time?
Take it easy on them; they are only working that job while they finish up airline maintenance school
I hear you and both orange and blue suck at getting stock down, finding the item that they have 100 of but the box is empty. One time I was doing a bunch of pvc plumbing, going through the boxes looking for what I needed and they are full of all the wrong sizes and types. I decided it was in both of our interest to help them out, I took all the items located in the wrong boxes and dumped them on the ground so they could restock the items into the proper boxes. Went back the next day and everything was in a shopping cart, the cart sat there for at least a week or two
Today I go to Lowes and by a hitch, dryer and 2 hitch pins (on sale, for a buck 87, wahOOOO).

I get to the self-checkout and scan everything. I get to the pins....grrrrrr. The label is wrapped around the pin, half wrapped around, and half stuck onto itself, sticking out. and won't scan (Naturally). I try it, like, 3 times. I interrupt the cashiers from their conversation w/each other and tell them, "These won't scan." OH, those sometimes don't scan because it is wrapped... (No shit Sherlock) The 1st thing they is try to scan the twice.

Then they key it in manually. I couldn't keep my mouth shut, "Like I said, they won't scan."

Did they just tell me that I was stupid and didn't know how to point the reader-gun at the code and pull the trigger? Did they just wast my time?
They're programmed to scan first, then punch in. Thought? Analysis? Attention? Yeah, that's not in the job description...

Next time just drop them in the bag if they won’t scan 🤣

its been along time since i worked in retail, they are not calling you stupid but they deal with ALOT of stupid people. when i used to get called over to a register for a problem i would do the same thing, try to scan it, it does not scan then move to the next thing. i worked for costco and i knew alot of item numbers, if it was a common item i just keyed in the item number and moved on. dont take it the wrong way, but they deal with alot of stupid people all day long.
if i asked you for help on something you would try the easiest thing first.
20 years ago I was Tier 2 Tech support for DSL.

It was amazing how many issues were fixed with just restarting the modem LOL, so no matter the person on the other start at square one.

Got to play the percentages in yore favor LOL
