ABC Gets his first tattoo!!!

I don't really know how to react to somebody marking themselves with a futuristic science fiction version of a genocidal tattoo.  Several million Jews mind find it just a bit offensive and insensitive, but hey it's permanent now 
Slaves and conquered people have been marked for millennia.  Still will in the future.  Don't be so woke.

Covid Vax tattoo to keep your "freedom"?

The Jewish reference is not lost on me. I am 1/16 Jewish and know a lot of folks who went through that. Most of them are dead now but I met quite a few with the real thing.

that being said I am having a lot of fun with it. Most people are too young to understand the terminator reference so I have made up some more scenarios to have fun with.

when someone sees it I ask them with a very alarmed and confused look… What do you see?… How do you know?… Let me see your arms… You cannot see that you have one too?

all I know is that I’m actually a clone. The first Kevin Thomas Wxxxxxx (my name)… born in March of 1972… he’s dead... was killed January 17, 1987. He was riding a motorcycle through a red light straight into a tractor-trailer…. killing himself instantly.

 I am not his first clone… I became self-aware October 12th, 2017 and I don’t know how I know all these things. I can tell you everything about him, parents names, memories… but they’re not mine…

All I know is that I am the fourth clone of this model. I’m not sure how number 2 or 3 died but we have to keep this between our selves because they are watching us and I don’t think there’s many of us left.

Watch your back …. I think they’re coming for you too.




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     Congrats. I finally did it too. Raised all my kids telling them to wait till they got married so their spouse could have a say. And buying a little time so they mature enough to make a decision like this.  I resisted my desire for one as well for 30+ years. Then when they grew up and got married they all got tatts. LoL.   

     In February I tested positive for colon cancer. I lived with the diagnoses for a couple weeks. Over the last decade or so I am sure we have all seen people leaving us in the blink of an eye. As I entered the office for my first colonoscopy to confirm the results and determine treatment I was wondering what type of discussion I was going to have with my family when I returned home.   Well, as it turned out it was a complete false alarm. But after that experience I decided to get my Hawaiian islands.

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Glad to hear it was a false alarm. Enjoy the ink!Glad to hear it was a false alarm. Enjoy the ink!

When the tattoo artist grabbed the UPC symbol off the Internet we just removed the numbers so I actually don’t know what the scan is. When I’m in target or any other place with a scanner I am going to try to scan it to see if I have a pack of tampons or a box of Triscuits 😬🤪🤣🕺🤦‍♂️
That would be really funny if it was tampons, LOL.  I bet it does not read anything, but be sure to let us know.
