A question for SXS owners


Well-known member
May 6, 2021
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Why do ya'll roll them into the driveway and let them idle for hours on the weekends? It's insanely annoying to those who live nearby. I've got 2 neighbors who do this, it starts at 8am on Saturday and then AGAIN on Sunday. WTF are you trying to accomplish?

Don't get me started on the ass-clowns who drive them around town with their goggles and headsets on, disco sticks flashing.
Why do ya'll roll them into the driveway and let them idle for hours on the weekends? It's insanely annoying to those who live nearby. I've got 2 neighbors who do this, it starts at 8am on Saturday and then AGAIN on Sunday. WTF are you trying to accomplish?

Don't get me started on the ass-clowns who drive them around town with their goggles and headsets on, disco sticks flashing.
If it wasn’t a SXS would you be crying this much?

Are you sad because you don’t have one?

Do you need a hug?

If yes to any of these please dial

1800 sad-and-lonely
With the speed it takes awhile for it to warm up and it will be in a reduced (severely) power mode until it does.. that said I only do it for like five minutes.

I have neighbors that will let them idle for like 45 minutes.. lol. I don’t know why they do it?

Headsets is because I’m listening to music. Speeds are insanely loud inside with the drive train etc
Why do ya'll roll them into the driveway and let them idle for hours on the weekends? It's insanely annoying to those who live nearby. I've got 2 neighbors who do this, it starts at 8am on Saturday and then AGAIN on Sunday. WTF are you trying to accomplish?

Don't get me started on the ass-clowns who drive them around town with their goggles and headsets on, disco sticks flashing.
sometimes i remote start mine and turn the banda music up so people feel like they are at the dunes
If it wasn’t a SXS would you be crying this much? That's hypothetical, but maybe.

Are you sad because you don’t have one? No I don't want one.

Do you need a hug? No I don't need a hug.

If yes to any of these please dial

1800 sad-and-lonely
From your response, I take it you're a SxS owner?
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Poor Pedro never gets a break, first his weed whacker, leaf blower gets the cops called on him because he's killing the planet while cleaning yore yard...

Now he can't warm up his Rzr before the next Rutas meet-up?
What should I do about my neighbors who like to play music without owning a SxS ? ? ?
This is not normal behavior in my book.
I start mine maybe once a month just to make sure the battery isn't dead...let it idle for a couple minutes, then shut it down. This is while it is in my trailer.
I just prop the rear ramp open a couple inches.

As for the idiots in your neighborhood...maybe everyone in the nearby (4) blocks or so, don't know they have a SXS. These are called Fags.
It's the same with Harleys, revving the crap out of their motorcycles and annoying everyone.
Watch this video, insert (your neighbors) for the Harley or even BMW drivers...
I have always wondered why I see ads for something for sale with like 535 miles on it but has 105 hours. They must do this as well.
These are the same asshats that cut off their exhaust and think they will go faster!!

Dont forget to test the PepBoys 20 watt speakers with shittty as music.

And maybe while it is idling, MOW YORE LAWN and trim the hedges and put the trash cans away.

I dont have any neighbors like this.................................My neighbors have some 80's 2 stroke with 10 to 1 with 30wt-mix in them and wonder why they dont clear and spit oil.
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These are the same asshats that cut off their exhaust and think they will go faster!!

Dont forget to test the PepBoys 20 watt speakers with shittty as music.

And maybe while it is idling, MOW YORE LAWN and trim the hedges and put the trash cans away.

I dont have any neighbors like this.................................My neighbors have some 80's 2 stroke with 80 to 1 mix in them and wonder why they dont clear and spit oil.
Sounds like your neighbors are FAGS!
These are the same asshats that cut off their exhaust and think they will go faster!!

Dont forget to test the PepBoys 20 watt speakers with shittty as music.

And maybe while it is idling, MOW YORE LAWN and trim the hedges and put the trash cans away.

I dont have any neighbors like this.................................My neighbors have some 80's 2 stroke with 80 to 1 mix in them and wonder why they dont clear and spit oil.