5 Day, 800 Mile Off Road Idaho Trip

Randy used to be on these boards a lot in the early days, good guy.
Good to know.  If I keep up using this thing enough, I could see having a custom build done in the future.  I really, really, really like the design of my Socal, but there are a few drawbacks of course.  There are some simple things I can fix myself, and others that need to be integrated into the design.  For example, it'd be nice to have a power switch for the water pump somewhere on the outside (I can do easy 'nough), so you don't have to open the back hatch to flip it on and off.  Same with a spigot of some sort on the outside so you don't have to setup the whole sink deal to just rinse your hands if you stop to make food or use the "bathroom" (aka woods) on the trail.  Also, some kind of single latch mechanism for the kitchen swing-out instead of the two pull-pins with safety pins (it seems petty, but when you get a rainy day those pins are all covered in mud so if you want to open the back to grab something from the fridge you get pretty dirty).  I'd also love another tank under the trailer, all skid-plated out like the water tank is, for fuel (with a pump to transfer).  On this trip I put 4 x 5gal jugs in the tongue box, but we still had to pop out to tows a few times and ideally I'd like to carry enough fuel for my entire trip.  I'm sure I can think of other stuff... but all of that said of any of the trailers I looked at I like the setup of my SoCal the best.  They all have areas I'd improve, but I love my "kitchen" once it's setup, and the expanded metal tongue box is easily the most coinvent thing about the whole trailer.  

These are from other trips, but here are some setup pics for an idea:




