$223k in Reparations

That will be the final nail in the coffin for CA... I say good, it will make housing prices go up as they all try to flee the inner cities with their new found wealth.  I won't be here to tax to pay for it. 

That will be the final nail in the coffin for CA... I say good, it will make housing prices go up as they all try to flee the inner cities with their new found wealth.  I won't be here to tax to pay for it. 
I don't think property investment will be how a lot of this money will be spent...  :bag:

LOL, packing up my bags for NV as we speak.  Good Riddance KA.........

This was my wife's line in the sand!  She's Japanese and is pissed that NOTHING has been done for Japanese Americans who were interned.

Their property, businesses and livelihood were stripped away by our own goverment and NOTHING has been done or even talked about to make them whole.

Cali making reparation's is a load of crap considering it was/is a NON-SLAVE state.  


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Their property, businesses and livelihood were stripped away by our own goverment and NOTHING has been done or even talked about to make them whole.
Actually, I think the Reagan Administration gave $20,000 to eligible individuals as well as a formal apology . . .

This was my wife's line in the sand!  She's Japanese and is pissed that NOTHING has been done for Japanese Americans who were interned.

Their property, businesses and livelihood were stripped away by our own goverment and NOTHING has been done or even talked about to make them whole.

Cali making reparation's is a load of crap considering it was/is a NON-SLAVE state.  

My dad grew up in San Diego when all that happened. I’ll never forget seeing him so upset when we went to the “camps”and he explained what happened to his friends and neighbors as a kid. Entire families where ripped from their homes shipped to the camp! He had no idea as a kid what had happened to his friends or why. It was crazy hearing talk about going to visit them at the “camp”. I couldn’t even imagine what it was like for those families. 

this is rather interesting.  I didnt even know about the Japanese internment camps until after I got out of high school.  Im not sure if I missed it, or they didn't teach it, but it certainly is a huge black spot on the US History for such a horrible thing to happen, while they were fighting against a similar thing in Europe.......





This guy is a fukkin cuck that needs to die a horrible death in an acid filled hole!

I was born a poor black child. Peace

There was a video on youtube where a Commiefornia legislator was interviewed by a reporter. The reporter ask the legistlator how he was going to tax those that moved out of state.  The legislator answered that he thought they could. There lies the problem. Good luck guys your on a sinking ship. 

There was a video on youtube where a Commiefornia legislator was interviewed by a reporter. The reporter ask the legistlator how he was going to tax those that moved out of state.  The legislator answered that he thought they could. There lies the problem. Good luck guys your on a sinking ship. 
They try every couple years, then the courts shoot them down... F CA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is rather interesting.  I didnt even know about the Japanese internment camps until after I got out of high school.  Im not sure if I missed it, or they didn't teach it, but it certainly is a huge black spot on the US History for such a horrible thing to happen, while they were fighting against a similar thing in Europe.......




The real lesson that should be learned is;  no drastic decisions should be made heat of moment or rushed after/during a crisis. You cannon compare us/japanese internment to anything that happened under the germans, russians, or the never pointed out terrible genocide rape and slavery perpetrated  by the japanese during ww2. 

there was a TON of japanese spies and sleepers in the US during ww2 unfortunately it led to many innocent people with family members, associates, or unwittingly or unsolicited contact with japanese spies. They all got caught up in this too. We interred many german americans too. 

it was wrong. Times and thinking were different. We all like to believe we would have been on the right side of history; but odds are we wouldnt if we lived at thar time.

our schools have conveniently left out parts of history we dont want to remember or are embarrassed by. Its not right. 
japan got a huge pass after ww2 for the crimes and atrocities they perpetuated before and during ww2.

russia gets a little bit of a pass for the atrocities the commited late 30s in eastern europe when they were ALLIES with germany. 

italy, spain all get off free. 

biggest of all, france surrendered then fought alongside the nazis,  but you never hear that, you only hear about french resistance

fwiw, the united states media was instrumental in pushing for and supporting internment camps in ww2.

the US media always seems to be on the wrong side of history

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The real lesson that should be learned is;  no drastic decisions should be made heat of moment or rushed after/during a crisis. You cannon compare us/japanese internment to anything that happened under the germans, russians, or the never pointed out terrible genocide rape and slavery perpetrated  by the japanese during ww2. 

there was a TON of japanese spies and sleepers in the US during ww2 unfortunately it led to many innocent people with family members, associates, or unwittingly or unsolicited contact with japanese spies. They all got caught up in this too. We interred many german americans too. 

it was wrong. Times and thinking were different. We all like to believe we would have been on the right side of history; but odds are we wouldnt if we lived at thar time.

our schools have conveniently left out parts of history we dont want to remember or are embarrassed by. Its not right. 
japan got a huge pass after ww2 for the crimes and atrocities they perpetuated before and during ww2.

russia gets a little bit of a pass for the atrocities the commited late 30s in eastern europe when they were ALLIES with germany. 

italy, spain all get off free. 

biggest of all, france surrendered then fought alongside the nazis,  but you never hear that, you only hear about french resistance

We've tried reparations many times in the past. All it did was enrich large corporations and businesses because the reparations were not given to the people directly. I could see Gavin passing a 10 billion dollar reparations bill with AA's only getting 10% of the money. 

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