2023 Predictions??


Apr 30, 2021
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So what do Y'all think this Year Has in for everyone?

I am no different than alot of people as I think a Big reset is coming..

Border Invasion will be adressed / no way around it

more Washington grand standing

Economy is going to hit a giant witches eye

inflation will level out but new prices of everything is going to be tough on normal people 

rich will thrive / working peeps will struggle and  the machine will keep pushing forward!

Fun as a norm in the USA is going to become more rare / government wants people feeling on edge an not secure soo they need more government 

true freedom needs to become the peoples ultimate goal!

hang On / gonna be a long and shakey ride for America

This doesnt have to be all doom and Gloom either..

Maybe someone will FINALLY get their speed car??

Maybe someone on here will win the Lotto?

Maybe someone will get their Dream Job??

Border Invasion will be adressed / no way around it

more Washington grand standing

Economy is going to hit a giant witches eye

inflation will level out but new prices of everything is going to be tough on normal people 

rich will thrive / working peeps will struggle and  the machine will keep pushing forward!

Fun as a norm in the USA is going to become more rare / government wants people feeling on edge an not secure soo they need more government 

true freedom needs to become the peoples ultimate goal!

hang On / gonna be a long and shakey ride for America
I agree Fully

Work load is locked in and slammed thru August of this year already. 

No time to ponder about the economy. Tired of hearing the doom and gloom to be honest.  If it chits the bed then that's when I'll deal with it. Until then, I will work all I can as much as I can. 

There is soo much work out there with less people willing to do that work.  

Starting out good so far. Day 1 starts tomorrow but i’ve been getting orders all last week that i took off. Just have to figure out the new cost of business in 2023 and adjust accordingly. 

i already started downsizing my life. I have too much stuff, going to consolidate and have less again and live more.

-sell my wife’s 2004 excursion (reducing car fleet from 6 to 4) already sold my jeep.

-sell motorhome and get something smaller and maybe even brand new (thinkin 23-27/28’ class c going from 35’ a) 

Sell my 10’ and 12’ flatbed trailers

unfortunately politics And the media Is a never ending shitshow. Hopefully americans awaken to the idea that govt is enslaving them left and right and while we are all fighting each other over crap that doesnt matter politicians are selling us out to tech companies and those that mean to control us through the things that we were told would make our lives simpler.

There is soo much work out there with less people willing to do that work.  
True assessment GM. I too am tired of gloom and doom just wish we could hire decent people for the work load already scheduled for this coming year. 

The sad part is, there are a LOT of those people who just kept buying and buying....and now they work is gone for them.... gonna be ugly.....for  a lot of people.  Going to be more work for those that work. 

I can't honestly say I haven't thought about the economy. I have considered a down turn and looked at where we could still be valuable.  All of the new yachts are now operating systems. All need a Dealer tech able to plug in with factory support. I have reached out to all the yacht repo companies and have contracts in place to assist with Repos.  No one can hot wire a newer vessel. These operating systems must have the programmed RFID key within proximity of the helm to key on. If the RFID key is not there. We as dealers can plug in and backside the ECM to program a new set of E Keys. This rendering the original set of keys useless.  Then the vessel can be turned on and taken. 

Contracts have costs, fees and unexpected precautions written in. 


Housing will continue the slight downturn we have seen since April 2022. I think a 10-15% drop is probable by December 2023 with potential for even more. I think a 30% drop in total is probable with the potential for even more. Lots of variables though. 

Vehicle prices will drop. The used market is falling off a cliff due to interest rate raises and I think the new vehicle market will be following closely once inventory is built up. I think EVs will see a bigger decline in demand as we see more players enter the market, more shortcomings come to light (Cold weather loss of performance), and the cost of a replacement battery becomes more well known.

The economy is a wildcard. I think it will begin a decline and potentially, that decline could turn into a recession or even a depression but our Government has shown that kicking the can down the road is the likeliest option. There is still a crazy amount of money out there sloshing around. 

Work load is locked in and slammed thru August of this year already. 

No time to ponder about the economy. Tired of hearing the doom and gloom to be honest.  If it chits the bed then that's when I'll deal with it. Until then, I will work all I can as much as I can. 

There is soo much work out there with less people willing to do that work.  
It’s gonna be a weird recession if it comes, that’s for sure. Could be a good time to restock on toys

I’m looking forward to a good year. If work slows I will be happy to spend that time with my family. If work picks up more I will be fine with that as well. 

No need for New Years resolutions or the like. Just gotta keep doing the best I can to be a good man and a good father. 

I wish all you men the best.

My goal is to get my life in order. 2023 will be great if I follow thru better...

My health sucks, it can be much better with simple changes and following thru. I'm good at routines, I just need to make my health a routine.

Getting my house in order. Lots of loose ends and stuff not dialed in because I let other things take precedent. I'm great at multitasking, but my priorities were to the things that were easy and kept me from the items that were harder, took time and more effort.

When my life is dialed in, I see more free time doing what I love vs what needs to be done to just keep the boat afloat.

2023 can be a GREAT Year...

I have not even thought about what 2023 will bring, if it's anything like last year we're in for a ride, this new budget that was pushed though ought to have our great great grandkids paying for todays debt... we can only hope that something good happens in DC

Bike prices keep dropping.  Saw 2 different 450s for 3500 today.  Wife wants to get another.

Definitely will need a toy hauler then.  Hopefully they get cheaper.

Hope to learn Spanish soon as we will absorb the entire unemployed, uneducated population of Central and South America in the next 2 years.

My goal is to get my life in order. 2023 will be great if I follow thru better...

My health sucks, it can be much better with simple changes and following thru. I'm good at routines, I just need to make my health a routine.

Getting my house in order. Lots of loose ends and stuff not dialed in because I let other things take precedent. I'm great at multitasking, but my priorities were to the things that were easy and kept me from the items that were harder, took time and more effort.

When my life is dialed in, I see more free time doing what I love vs what needs to be done to just keep the boat afloat.

2023 can be a GREAT Year...
TJ lost a bunch of weight just doing pushups in his office.

I don't have enough manpower to do the work I have. I have enough contract hours to work the guys I have now thru May with nothing new added and no changes made. Unfortunately I will not have all the materials for completing those jobs until Thanksgiving. Yet they want to start the jobs right now.  So I have to add guy's add jobs, right now I can't even bid jobs because, They want to start tomorrow and if I bid them I will get them even by bidding them so I don't get them.  Sense October I have been trying not to get any more work added to the que yet I won like 90% of the bids I turned in. Even had two that I didn't bid call me up and basically say give me a number I will send you a contract.  told them I would rather they be pissed off at me right now by saying I can't then in three months when I can't finish the job. 

Both of those projects are now slated to come back around early 2nd quarter. 

I have a feeling things will have changed by then.
