2021 Formula 1 Season

The Netflix show is awesome. We went to the Austin race and most of the people in our section were there because they got hooked on the show during Covid 

Can't wait to see next season's Netflix, yesterday's race was crazy for sure.
Raced for 14 seasons.  I've seen a lot of craziness on the track with people getting pissed (fist fights, tools thrown at cars, door-slamming on the track, pushing into the wall, etc)...  Never saw someone brake check a competitor on track.

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Raced for 14 seasons.  I've seen a lot of craziness on the track with people getting pissed (fist fights, tools thrown at cars, door-slamming on the track, pushing into the wall, etc)...  Never saw someone brake check a competitor on track.
You probably never saw a competitor intentionally avoid passing another car before a DRS detection zone either. Hamilton had plenty of room to pass and slowed down himself well before contact. Why didn't he just pass on the left when Verstappen initially slowed? Hamilton knew exactly what he was doing. Surprised so many people buy into Hamilton's BS claims.  

You probably never saw a competitor intentionally avoid passing another car before a DRS detection zone either. Hamilton had plenty of room to pass and slowed down himself well before contact. Why didn't he just pass on the left when Verstappen initially slowed? Hamilton knew exactly what he was doing. Surprised so many people buy into Hamilton's BS claims.  
Yep.  I've never seen a competitor intentionally avoiding passing someone who's setting him up to pass "strategically" (per Horner's words).  Strategically, because of this cheeky move a couple of laps later...


Hamilton doesn't HAVE to pass someone, especially when they're setting them up for this.

The brake check wasn't BS however. 


"In deciding to penalise the driver of Car 33, the key point for the Stewards was that the driver of car 33 then braked suddenly (69 bar) and significantly, resulting in 2.4g deceleration.

"Whilst accepting that the driver of Car 44 could have overtaken Car 33 when that car first slowed, we understand why he (and the driver of Car 33) did not wish to be the first to cross the DRS [line]. However, the sudden braking by the driver of Car 33 was determined by the Stewards to be erratic and hence the predominant cause of the collision and hence the standard penalty of 10 seconds for this type of incident, is imposed."

Yeah.  1000lbs of force into the brake cylinder in a non-braking zone absolutely is brake checking.  No BS there.  chit like that will get people hurt.

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Yeah, that was sketchy AF.  That track was insane with the blind curves, insane speed and hardly any runoff . . .

Hamilton the victim is too funny 
Definitely not the victim, and has F-d up more than twice.  Brake checking is still another level of tantrum though.

Methinks there should be more consequences for leaving the track.  I get having asphalt for safety reasons, but gravel traps tend to keep cars on track . . .

Methinks there should be more consequences for leaving the track.  I get having asphalt for safety reasons, but gravel traps tend to keep cars on track . . .
Yep.  Stupid currently doesn't hurt and the stewards are forced to cause pain that grass/gravel previously provided.

Shades of what's to come this weekend ? ? ?


More likely that a teammate will take out the competitor……Or one of the Haas cars will “get in the way” on purpose 

They're going to be nice to each other. NOT! Max wants it badly. And that #44 guy, he's pretty good. Peace
