2.2 Ecotec


Active member
May 9, 2021
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Welllllll, my daughters Grand Am just blew a head gasket.  I don't know what we are going to do w/it.  But, driving it to the scrap yard, or junkyard is on the list.  I already told my daughter that I ain't fixing it.  But, rails are about 10,000 times easier to work on than a car is.  We just put a $230 alternator on it....grrrrr

I am in the planning stages of a new build.  Presently, it is all in the mind. 

I've seen rails w/Ecotecs in them.  The HP is right for what I want (about 140) and they rev like crazy.  Here car would rev up to the redline, pulling strongly and then stop there.

The Q...how much do they weigh?  Is there any "trick" to adpating them, or is a Kennedy kit all that you need?   Is there a downside to them?  It is an all AL motor...can they tolerate being over heated?

Before this, I was thinking of using a Camry motor...16v, 2.0 or 2.2.

Had one in my first rail.

Ran one with a 091 bus transmission - used a Kennedy adaptor plate to mate them.

I don't know how much it weighed, but it isnt very much. Very compact and simple form factor and easy to make mounts (solid)

It was an absolute blast to drive, running an ECU from CBM had a 7k redline and it LOVED being 3800-6000... 

Ill see if I can dig up some pictures.  -  Never had issues with overheating etc.. makes enough oil pressure to share! 


Had one in a lightweight 5 seat long travel Extreme Fabrications rail. Made 170hp. It was mated with a Kennedy clutch to a built 002. Ran  a Mefi 4 ecm. It was a lot of fun to drive, never felt it was underpowered. Could always use more, but it was adequate . It revved to the SKY and loved it! It didn’t make much power until after 3k rpm. Never ran even remotely hot. The 2.2 likes to stay naturally aspirated but the 2.0 and 2.4 can be turbo’d with stock internals.  

The 170hp is once you take all the exhaust and smog crap off FYI
