11th Annual Buggy Roundup

That's an awesome pic! ^^^^

Can my Can Am "Identify " as a buggy?



Have fun all.
People bring all kind of stuff to the roundup,  

They ask that on the large group rides that the SXS stay at the back with the kids, or stay in camp 

but at the end of the day, it is fun for everything, 

Dumont has the most to offer, 

Really no Leo,  but the Leo that do come out are super cool will hang out in camp talking about the dunes,  you will only see them on Halloween, Prez, and Thanksgiving,   

People bring all kind of stuff to the roundup,  

They ask that on the large group rides that the SXS stay at the back with the kids, or stay in camp 

but at the end of the day, it is fun for everything, 

Dumont has the most to offer, 

Really no Leo,  but the Leo that do come out are super cool will hang out in camp talking about the dunes,  you will only see them on Halloween, Prez, and Thanksgiving,   
Yeah, Dumont is a favorite of our group. Great dunes, trails, river crossing, hot springs, Tacopa (if you can get there still??)

An update with pictures from those able to attend would be great.

We went and man what a great time. The weather at Dumont always has you guessing. LOL we had heat, cold, wind and rain. LOL Made for great sand everyday and it didn't rain until the last day. Pete and his group run fast and I couldnt of had a better time. Car ran great and came back in one piece. I think I counted in the low 60s of cars for donuts and coffee Saturday morning. I got a ton of pics. will try to upload later.

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