091 to 2D swap ?'s

Sean is saying above that mount should go on the other side of the bell housing mount.  His suggestion.

Sean is saying above that mount should go on the other side of the bell housing mount.  His suggestion.
Right. If I trim the mount at the line shown I can slide the mount forward to fit in front of the bell housing tabs.

Nice upgrade !. But,

If you have any intentions of big HP or a V8 in the future skip the 2d and pony up for an S4. 

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Same thing I said back in the early  2000's when it was economical to a certain extent, But doing an S4 car now a days is a whole lot different and hard to justify. Unless you have disposable income.

Made a bit more progress...

Fuel tank moved up, radiator is not installed yet. It looks like I'll be able to drop it down a bit from where it's currently sitting, just need to fab up some brackets. 

The new trans is located perfectly to where the trans C.V.'s and outer C.V.'s are aligned at full droop. Motor sits at roughly the same height. Motor mounts will be shifted back as the motor itself move back approx. 2". New engine cage coming soon, too.

I found myself at a stopping point Sunday so I decided to fool around with my started as it wouldn't work in its current configuration. I separated the housing and the rotational mount. I've drilled two holes to rotate the mount to a position that would work for me. Turns out I didn't have the proper size tap for my new holes but I think it may work. Might turn out to be simple option to buying a new starter. 






Got the radiator mounted. It's a little higher and more vertical than I wanted but it is what it is. I'm holding off on motor mounts and a new starter for now. My 091 is off getting a rebuild. The plan is to sell the engine/trans as a combo. If I can get enough out of them I'm going to have Alper throw together a very mild (stockish) 5.3.


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091 is fresh from Weight gearbox and up for sale.
