Search results

  1. Rallyalleigh

    Anyone able to do a Vin check for a salvaged title?

    I am wanting to run a Vin number to check and see if the car has a salvaged title.. anyone able to help out with that?
  2. Rallyalleigh

    Glamis 911 or other tow service experience?

    Just watching the video going around on IG right now, I’m embarrassed for them.
  3. Rallyalleigh

    School me on cell phones

  4. Rallyalleigh

    The Motorcycle Ride

    I want to know how they spread the word about this, I wish I could of been there to join!
  5. Rallyalleigh

    Just got back from Glamis, wanted to offer some Tips/Advice regarding your radios!

    Nascar pit teams should have privacy frequencies.All professional teams should have privacy frequencies for anyone on their team if they want to avoid issues like this.
  6. Rallyalleigh

    Just got back from Glamis, wanted to offer some Tips/Advice regarding your radios!

    After spending the weekend in Glamis and talking to a lot of people about their radios, I realized a lot of people dont know that their radios actually have 3-4 different banks (Depending on when they were programmed) with plenty of channels that NO ONE else uses. I wanted to share this...
  7. Rallyalleigh

    Just an idea if you dune alone sometimes...

    After spending the weekend in Glamis and talking to a lot of people about their radios, I realized a lot of people dont know that their radios actually have 4 different banks with HUNDREDS of channels that NO ONE else uses. I wanted to share this Frequency list and what banks the frequencies...
  8. Rallyalleigh

    Just an idea if you dune alone sometimes...

    I see you haven't changed in all these years LOL
  9. Rallyalleigh

    Starlink Questions

    What app do you use to steam music? I personally use Spotify to create playlist or find playlist that I like and you can download them to be used offline, when you have no service, or in this case, dont want to use up allotted GB for hot spots or starlink plans.
  10. Rallyalleigh

    Starlink Questions

    We are currently waiting on approval from River Dave to be able to promote so hopefully I don't get in too much trouble but I didn't want to waste the opportunity and hopefully he will forgive me HAHA. PCI Race radios sells Starlink products and we are a dealer for them.... If you have any...
  11. Rallyalleigh

    PCI Dealers?

    It will be there Saturday (y) Send us some pics when you get it installed this weekend! 🏁