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  1. LegitDuner

    Losing a good friend. Taps to Coobie.

    Wtf.... Wtf.... On his birthday.. I just talked to him the other day when he mentioned he was getting a divorce. He seemed ragged and tired but damn.. just damn.. His poor kid man. He's doing so well. Let us know if there's anything we can do at all to help his kid, Chum. RIP COOB...
  2. LegitDuner

    Dude gives zero fks

  3. LegitDuner

    Unbiased News!

    I'm with you on Hannity. Every time he comes on I always mock him (TODAY THE DIRTY DNC IS AT IT AGAIN) and I turn the channel to the local news. Jessie is growing on me although he's kind of like a millennial Hannity. 😄 Gutfeld is a boss!
  4. LegitDuner

    Unbiased News!

    I do about an hour a day reading all news sources and I watch equal amounts of MSNBC and Fox News. I do a deep dive on Google about things that I am leary about. Even then, Google is not forthcoming with their information either.
  5. LegitDuner

    JD'S Memes

  6. LegitDuner

    JD'S Memes

  7. LegitDuner

    JD'S Memes

  8. LegitDuner

    JD'S Memes

  9. LegitDuner

    JD'S Memes

  10. LegitDuner

    Make America great again... what decade?

    Saw this question posted somewhere else. The majority was saying they wanted the country to go back to the way it was in the '90s.. What say you? When was America great to you? (And before I get lambasted I know our country has always been great, this is just for fun)
  11. LegitDuner

    Thoughts on USA for next 6 months?..........

    I know tik tok is the debil but this is worth watching..
  12. LegitDuner

    Is AI a threat?

    The way I see AI taking jobs left and right leads me to believe that it's going to be the beginning of communism. It may get to a point where a huge percentage of jobs have been taken over by AI and now citizens just get a monthly check from the government from AI doing all the work. You can't...
  13. LegitDuner


    I use it for interviews. It's a great little recorder, I love it.
  14. LegitDuner

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    San Diego
  15. LegitDuner

    What Sub sammy works for you?

    There's a place by me called The Grinder, been around since the '50s. I've been going there since I was probably 8 years old. The godfather or hot pastrami, but every sandwich they make is good.
  16. LegitDuner


    We have a new rule for State employees that says we must now write in plain, easy-to-understand language. It should be at an 8th-grade reading level. I've been using ChatGPT for my case reports to accomplish this.
  17. LegitDuner

    VP Debate

    "Sometimes, its just the guns. Its just the guns." - Tim Walz
  18. LegitDuner

    Iran Fires Missiles into Israel....AND AWAY WE GO!

    Again though, didn't they just do this like April of this year? Iran shooting a barrage of missiles? I thought this was round two with Iran. You're saying that it was Hezbollah launching out of Iran?
  19. LegitDuner

    Iran Fires Missiles into Israel....AND AWAY WE GO!

    What's different about it this time? They did this earlier in the year. I heard they gave the United States and everybody else a 5 minutes heads up before they pushed the launch buttons. They just now said that they have concluded their attack. What kind of shit is that? 😂
  20. LegitDuner

    East Coast shipping ports shutting down in a few hours

    I think it's a little short-sided to blame them for being pissed off about using AI to take their jobs. Who's next? They can replace just about anybody with AI. I saw robot framers and drywallers FFS.. What do you do with a country that has delegated all its work to artificial intelligence?