Search results

  1. Dive Bar Casanova

    What tire psi for the sand?

    Beadlocks 6, non-beadlocks 8. Not all tire gauges are all that accurate so best to err on the high side.
  2. Dive Bar Casanova

    How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

    We help anyone stuck.
  3. Dive Bar Casanova

    How many Members actually still go to Glamis?

    Ghost Camps are discouraging. Don't like sweating if we'll find a spot or not. Rig way too heavy to chance the washes. But we still love Glamis. Took my wife there on our 3rd date and it's always been a special place to us. Cali has passed laws allowing LEOS to remove RVs parked beyond their...
  4. Dive Bar Casanova

    Retired yet??

    111F yesterday and the TH stayed at 76f. It passed the audition.
  5. Dive Bar Casanova

    Retired yet??

    No wristwatch, no alarm clock, dunno where I found the time to do what I do now when I was working. Wifie retires young in January. She’s going to be tough to replace. 4 income streams. Paid off the house, all toys and vehicles in warranty. Will be able to hit the road with the toy hauler -...
  6. Dive Bar Casanova

    How many smart peeps on here?

    Amateur weekend. We're be staying home.
  7. Dive Bar Casanova

    How many smart peeps on here?

    I thought you guys were into Dachshunds.
  8. Dive Bar Casanova

    Do you move your rig during long stretches of storage?

    It's been too hot to travel with the Toy Hauler so I move it a few feet to rotate the tires from time to time. Can't hurt not sitting on one spot too long. Anyone else do this? \
  9. Dive Bar Casanova

    Wife's Rossi vs Colts experience.

    Wife and her GFs pack .38's.  A nurse got off shift at her hospital and waiting for the bus out front got robbed and murdered. But that's a different thread. Wifie and her GF's like the Colts .38's but the Rossi 5 shot .38  fits their feminine hands better, slimmer, it's their favorite. Just...
  10. Dive Bar Casanova

    2004 YFZ 450's

    Fair condition. $3800 each. Cash or transaction in person at bank. Simi Valley Ca. 818 419-2620
  11. Dive Bar Casanova

    Labor Day weekend summer run

    Looks like it. Are Annual Passes avail yet? Or should we just get weekend or any passed available at all?
  12. Dive Bar Casanova

    Labor Day weekend summer run

    Looking good. This may be a really fun weekend.
  13. Dive Bar Casanova

    Labor Day weekend summer run

    Out TH dealer is way up in Nipomo and called late yesterday saying may be another 10 days on parts. They'll try and get it sooner they added. Hope so.
  14. Dive Bar Casanova

    Labor Day weekend summer run

    Labor Day weekend is Sept 4th - 6th. The Ridgecrest SXS Pro AM night race is this upcoming weekend and we'll be camping in Spangler/Randsberg on the dry lake if we get our TH back in time. Plenty of RV camping room. It's a little less hot at that elevation. Girls do the SXS run to the...
  15. Dive Bar Casanova

    Labor Day weekend summer run

    105F predicted and maybe some of that weather action in the Gulf and East will make it's way here and help by then too.
  16. Dive Bar Casanova

    Labor Day weekend summer run

    We'll try and join you if our Toy Hauler is back from the shop. Good chance it will be but they never commit. Anything under 105F and we're good to go .
  17. Dive Bar Casanova

    RZR 200 EFI All new

    7” suspension  Put a deposit on one. November delivery 
  18. Dive Bar Casanova

    Over a year since FST/STU Dave left. Any sighting?

    Dave’s not here - where’d he go?  FST customers were Tribal.    Anyone know what’s become of Dave? 