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  1. megadesertdiesel

    2025 King of Hammers

    awesome coverage once again by KOH crew.
  2. megadesertdiesel

    Wash 6 experience 10/22 takes the cake!

    this is exactly whats wrong with THAT culture. All for the gram and no fawks given.
  3. megadesertdiesel

    A question for SXS owners

    I have always wondered why sandcar owners greeted each other with mouth hugs and low handshakes.
  4. megadesertdiesel

    Highway Star

    This foo must love the Golden Arches
  5. megadesertdiesel

    Metal blade for cutting metal

    All day long we use these for cutting metal. They are noisy but much cleaner than using an abrasive disc.
  6. megadesertdiesel

    Weekend Warrior Rear Bed Removal

    yes, it very heavy, have 4 people. I did this years ago and it worked. I don't remember how I did it but something with a new 2x4 down the sides and it raised the height of the bed when folded up.
  7. megadesertdiesel

    It's Saturday Jan 25th 2025.. What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Grease everything, truck, toyhauler, trailer, sxs. Then help a buddy install a cage on his new Pro-r.
  8. megadesertdiesel

    Trump On FEMA

    love the businessman thinking!! finally a real leader.
  9. megadesertdiesel

    New Executive Order Affects Glamis

    lol it was a beautiful site to see fireworks while the sun was coming up. super quiet too, I'm sure it echoed for a good way.
  10. megadesertdiesel

    New Executive Order Affects Glamis

  11. megadesertdiesel

    New Executive Order Affects Glamis

    I was in Glamis, yes.
  12. megadesertdiesel

    solar or big amperage battery charger?

    Worked out really well for MLK. Ran the genny for 30min in morning to make breakfast and 30min in evening during a shower which pushed 200amps into the bank. My solar put out about 10amps during the peak of the daylight and when I went to bed the batteries were at 90%ish.
  13. megadesertdiesel


    who wants to make $1000 a head? "Additionally, the Department of Public Safety shall develop an information system for people to report violations of this act which shall include a toll-free telephone hotline, e-mail...
  14. megadesertdiesel

    Soros Or Sore Arse.

    All that babble over an AM radio station no one listens to. Faster than normal FCC unanimous approval right before an election, yeah that's what happens . Guess what, you don't have to listen to said radio stations.
  15. megadesertdiesel

    Been out of the game for a long time so looking for advice...

    The Polaris Pro-S is a solid car for trails. whatever you do please don't take your new SXS to Glamis, we don't want the sandcar f-words getting their panties in a bunch when you personally make all those studder bumps.
  16. megadesertdiesel

    New Executive Order Affects Glamis

    damn circus music!!! I had a run in with loud music ONE night last weekend, the second night it did not happen. LOL It seems a 5:30am wake up with 10 consecutive motor launches makes you reconsider your next evenings music volume.
  17. megadesertdiesel

    Football, Troy Aikman Called Out Patrick Mahomes And NFL Refs

    y'all still watch grown men in spandex run around and touch each other? 🏳️‍🌈
  18. megadesertdiesel

    Starlink ain’t cheap but works good.

    12v power supply and faster router makes it even better. Low power draw , I leave it on 24/7 while camping . I kept the OG router just in case we ever have issues.
  19. megadesertdiesel

    Ruts are killing me!

    This right here. No weather this season and dunes have not reset. Even the Winds a weeks ago didn’t smooth out the big stuff by sunset hill. But get out towards the disco ball and it’s not too damn bad out there. Now go down south across I-8 and it super smooth and soft out there.
  20. megadesertdiesel

    Hmmmmmm 🤔

    the CVT has made people lazy and unobservant to the engines output, just like the automatic transmission.