Sand Car Security In Dunes- What Do You Do?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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I'm curious what folks do, if anything, about securing your sand cars at the dunes? I'm not necessarily talking about at camp but when you go to the Beach Store or Vendor's Row, Duner's Diner, etc. I was watching a YouTube Vid this morning of a guy videoing nice cars parked in front of the store. High dollar cars just parked there in rows with nobody around. Someone could easily jump in and drive off. I'm aware most have battery disconnect switches but many times those are in plain sight or located in the same place on all models by builders. Easy enough to put a tracker or Airtag but seems it would be better to prevent any issues in the first place. SxS have keys but not many sand cars I've seen use a key switch. And I'm sure nobody wants to carry around a cable or chain and a lock just to get something to eat or buy a T-shirt in the store. Hard to imagine any of the remote kill switches or similar devices would hold up to the beating they would take. I'm guessing these would cause more problems than they would solve. So what do folks do?

It's unfortunate we have so many A-holes around today that we have to consider these things.
I've often thought about this but always conceded to the "hope" that people were decent and my car would be there when I got back. Times have changed.

I do remember as a kid, our "theft prevention" was pulling the coil wire and taking it with us.

An AirTag or similar device is great but "why if" they buster it down to Mexico? That will leave you with watching your car in Mexico while you get to do nothing about it. I can't help but think we are either there or not far off from a device that jams or blocks AirTags to get around this.

Thieves suck.
Never worried about my car at Vendors or Duners Diner. At night I put the steering wheel in my trailer. If I'm gone for a day I'll throw a cable and lock on the car.
I don't leave my car period. I don't trust anyone and my blood sweat and tears aren't leaving my body. At night I cable lock my kids atvs to it, remove the shutoff key, steering wheel and I started using my super sensitive motorcycle brake rotor lock that sirens at the closest whiff of air. Annoying at times yes, but in the wee hours of the night I sleep well.
At camp I cable my car to the moho, directly under my bedroom window, and I have a very stout lock that goes through the brake rotor, makes it slightly more difficult when the tire won't spin. At vendors or the store we usually have 1 person that stays with the cars, If we are eating I try to park where I can see it, we don't do vendors when it's super busy, so we can usually park close. If it is busy, I put the lock through the brake and take the steering wheel....
After seeing how fast and easily a large safety cable can be cut (friends had bikes stolen), I bought a 10' 3/8" diameter square link chain that has a cover on it, 2 5' chains and some big ass locks. Over $250 later, everything gets locked together and to the trailer. According to a firefighter family member, he said they have to cut chains and locks like these with the K-24 fp12/32vh18 saw (or something like that). He said they can't be cut with traditional bolt cutters or cable cutters. Yeah, they're heavy as hell, but I'm sleeping better at night.
i have live gps trackers on everything cost a bit but i get a email whenever anything moves. im not worried when im in the dunes or at the store just sitting in storage

Maybe a relay or a fuse mounted in a hidden, but easy to get to, spot??
Put mine in the trailer every night. No worries of crime or weather. Relly nice to have car setup that needs no changes to drive in and out of trailer.
After seeing how fast and easily a large safety cable can be cut (friends had bikes stolen), I bought a 10' 3/8" diameter square link chain that has a cover on it, 2 5' chains and some big ass locks. Over $250 later, everything gets locked together and to the trailer. According to a firefighter family member, he said they have to cut chains and locks like these with the K-24 fp12/32vh18 saw (or something like that). He said they can't be cut with traditional bolt cutters or cable cutters. Yeah, they're heavy as hell, but I'm sleeping better at night.
Yep cable is cut easy and quietly. Even regular chain can be cut too but it will make noise when pulled.
If you have a Switch Pro you can program a code to lock /unlock all the electrics it controls. Basically a key.
Did not know this. My new car will have a Switch Pro. Sounds similar to our wakeboard boat which has the same type of code capability.
Mine has a key, and sometimes I remember to take it out when we’re at duners diner or vendors. Either way still leaving 1k worth of headsets hanging, goggles etc.

I just always hope people aren’t big pieces of shit… but definitely get proven wrong on the regular. So better to be safe than sorry.

Camp we usually park in a way that everything is in the middle of camp and you’d have to pass several rigs to get to the toys. If I’m feeling un-easy I’ll put the car in the trailer and take the keys out of the kids quads.
Battery disconnect switch off while at vendors or DD, same thing at night but I add a cable lock through a tire and frame and remove the steering wheel.
This will not prevent your car from being stolen but will make you feel better if it does. Dial 8675309 😂
Battery kill switch that is not easy to see plus a separate cut off switch plus take the steering wheel with me but now I have a gayzr fully insured so who cares 😂
A thief would have to be pretty ballsy to jump in a strange car and try to drive off at a place like Vendors. It's not like jumping in a Toyota in a mall parking lot, no two cars are the same. Once Mr. soon to be spending the rest of the afternoon getting his ass kicked on front of everyone, jumps in a random car he has to figure out does it have a master switch, is there a battery disconnect? What transmission does this have and what is the procedure for getting it in reverse?
Then you have all the people walking around, that they would have to contend with, sure they have people watching you and your Lady shopping for T-shirts but the guy leaning up against the car three down might just be a good friend of yours.