What other hobbies do you have?

Whelp......... I used to be into Drag Racing, but that has run its course.  I did get to work on some pretty cool chit and goto some pretty cool races.   

I dont have a hot rod any more.  kinda lost interest, but would like to get a later model car with all of the nice things that come with that or go the other way & get another old car & put an EFI/Auto with AC & power everything.  but I have Champagne taste & a beer budget & the retirement lady has been yelling @ me recently. 

Chooting is expensive now, so I dont go but 1 to 3 times a year now, especially now that my boys are growed up.

My wife and I have done some traveling, but that gets expensive fast.  we still have some places left on the goto list. 

I still enjoy doing projects around the house, but have learned that some of them are best left to other folks. 

I have to say this is a bit concerning to me (and my lovely bride).  If I do retire, then WTPh am I going to do with myself.  I cant sit around & drink beer all day. 
I mean, you can sit around and drink beer all day...

My original "semi-retirement" plan was to teach physics (or some other higher level math/science) and possible coach, but the way schools are going, I'd get fired immediately, so that's out the window.

Golf, coaching youth tackle football, and CrossFit. 
Foolsball's the devil.

Being a member of OMBAC (Old Mission Beach Athletic Club), playing Over-The-Line, golf and off-road racing (although our team has slowed way down the past couple of years)

I mean, you can sit around and drink beer all day...

My original "semi-retirement" plan was to teach physics (or some other higher level math/science) and possible coach, but the way schools are going, I'd get fired immediately, so that's out the window.

Foolsball's the devil.
My 10 year old is 5’ 110lbs. He has no choice. What momma don’t know won’t hurt her. 

@Rockwood, yea................. Maybe if I moved to a state when I would not get stoned by walking on campus...  LOL.
As much as I hate this state's politics...

I generally love the people, the atmosphere, and geography, so I ain't moving unless they make me. :biggrin:

How much for a custom bling hat?

Depends on how elaborate they want the hat dbart, and usually how many crystals.  


im making some for a yoga studio here in town. 


made one for a golfer who was really into kokapelli(spelling)


Made one for a lady who is into hunting elk and wanted something like that, I also use fabric paint. 



and am in the process of making one for a SD police officer who won the Match play Championship last year.  

I do quite a bit for Steele Canyon…bling their stuff, display, and sell them there.  

So depending on the amount of crystals and time, usually between $50.00 to $100.00.  And I can do other hats besides baseball style.  

In the process of making some bling GD.com logo hats .  It helps quiet the mind😂

just did this special one for a lady who really wanted a sparrow on it. 

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Currently - boating, some home DIY projects, building guitars, guns, Glamis, cooking/baking.

I have to be careful with hobbies because I go nuts.  I home-brewed for over 20 years and had a production setup.  I used to rock climb , backpack, restore old cars.

I'm good at woodworking but I don't like doing it...lol

I'm seriously considering buying a plane.  I also wish I had the money to buy houses and remodel/flip'em.  I enjoy the vision and design of it all.




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Used to be custom cars.

Now, mountain biking, hiking, woodworking (building chit), time with son, and hopefully soon, boating/jet skiing.

Currently - boating, some home DIY projects, building guitars, guns, Glamis, cooking/baking.

I have to be careful with hobbies because I go nuts.  I home-brewed for over 20 years and had a production setup.  I used to rock climb , backpack, restore old cars.

I'm good at woodworking but I don't like doing it...lol

I'm seriously considering buying a plane.  I also wish I had the money to buy houses and remodel/flip'em.  I enjoy the vision and design of it all.

View attachment 39005
Loving the Trini Lopez / Dave Grohl . . .

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Nice to see another Epiphone semi-hollow body.  Looks like a Casino.  I have a '95 Sunburst Riviera.  Super fun to play with the small neck.

Nice.  Yeah, I got really inspired by John Lennon's guitar, hence the natural finish.  It's actually fully hollow and screams with the P90s. Plug it into any Vox amp and you go from zero to the the British Invasion in seconds . . .
