Is this a home build?


Active member
May 6, 2021
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Buddy of mine bought this car on a whim last summer. Never made it out, to the dunes or desert, and it planning on selling it. He didnt know much about it when he bought it (hes a rotary guy, which is the real reason he bought it I think) and doesnt know much about it now. He has moved on the the dream of a boat, so this has got to go. Know anything about it? Know what he might be able to get for it? This is what he told me about the car....

13b from a rx7

Transaxle is a 091 bus axle

It runs, pretty good I guess, but the brakes needs some attention in that they dont stop the car very well. I would imaging they need to be bled or something. Not too sure though. Thanks all





I'm going to go with  "What is a double sheer mount for 1000 please"

Just a joke for people that want to pick apart $150k  car builds.....  This one is probably a mass produced frame that was "modified" at some point. 

I hope he's not deep into it because I couldn't see paying $4k for that thing. Those rotary engines are ticking time bombs. Will run fine, but once hot, it won't restart. Not everyone knows that but still, condition on the rest of the car is less than par. 

Imho, radiator looks to have crappy mounting.  It looks neat and tidy, I like them mounted in the breeze so you dont hardly need the fans.  

What sort of suspension in the front?  It looks to have a LT beam, of sorts.

What sort does the rear have?

I've never been a fan of rotaries. 
