Old Trailer Tires


New member
May 5, 2021
Yah yah yah.. we all know the old story, change your tires every 5 years, yada yada yada.... Our boat is 10 years old, and I don't believe a single tires has been changed since new. But they look great!

We store our 22' pontoon boat down in Parker, and when our neighbors went there last week, they let us know the storm that came through last monday or so destroyed our boat cover, so I made plans to go pick it up Saturday to bring home while a new cover was made. 


I get to the storage yard about 10:30, and go to air up the tires for the trip back to Apple Valley. I notice something wrong with the front passenger side tire. Something seriously wroooooong with it, to quote Bill Murry. 

I have a spare, but did I bring tools? Nope... my lug wrench for my Ram was too big, and the star wrench I normally carry was not in the truck. I go to my neighbor's campsite, and while he had a 3/4" socket, it was shallow and not able to get a good grip on the nut. 

No biggie, I head into parker to look for a tire shop to buy 5 new tires. Nope. Not a single tire shop open. Walmart there doesn't have an auto center. I want to go in Walmart and buy tools, but I have my puppy with me. Fugitall I say to myself, and put his leash on and in we go to Wally World to buy some tools. No one even batted an eye at me! I swap out the bad tire(which was holding air just fine) for the spare. Then I notice the tire right behind the one I changed has a definite bulge out one side on the tread. Not good at all. 

By this time it is after 2, I really don't see any choice but to leave the trailer there or drag it back with my fingers crossed. My wife checks for tire shops in 29 Palms, and the nearest she can find in America's Tire in Yucca Valley. I start back and set the cruise at 55, no wanting to stress these 10 year old tires. My fingers are crossed and I am just hoping to get there. 

While driving through Joshua Tree, It is 4:43, and I know with all the stop lights, there is no way I am making the 5 PM closing time. So I turn off on a little shortcut that takes me to 247 and on to home.

I made it, but what a fun day! Note to self. Check to make sure you bring tools!

You're correct, the date code has that tire produced in the 10th week of 2011. Glad you made it back in one piece. 

Learned last year to carry a "go bag" of essentials anytime we roadtrip or have a trailer. First item on the list in the bag is the 3/4" elec impact, for good reason. 

You're correct, the date code has that tire produced in the 10th week of 2011. Glad you made it back in one piece. 

Learned last year to carry a "go bag" of essentials anytime we roadtrip or have a trailer. First item on the list in the bag is the 3/4" elec impact, for good reason. 
yup, you really got watch out for them late-winter/almost spring tires. Those folks are still celebrating their chinese new year. 

When I bought my current 'used' 5th wheel, spent a bunch of money fixing stuff, adding solar, converting from 2 12 volts to 4 6 volts, adding 2 4 port direct to battery USB outlets (for non-gen phone charging) and COMPLETELY forgot to look at the tires DCs. They had tons of tread and were clean (probably Armoral from the seller).. all my fault.. first trip to Glamis I blow a tire on the way in just as you make that left 111/78 whatever.. and some other truck is honking, flagging at me.. I'd blown the tire and was shooting sparks.. with my big Dually didn't even notice it.

Well at camp during the trip, I find a shop in Brawley that has one 'used' tire.. sure enough in Corona coming back from O.C. I blow another tire. Thankfully I'd purchased the additional spare and made it home. Next day, I go and buy 5 new ones.

I got lucky.. when one blew, it blew off the plastic skirt thing that overhangs the tire,.. what do you call that?.. it's like 4" by 3'.. anyhow. I should post up the picture if I can find them.

I use wheel covers to protect from sunlight, but no matter what, they still age. It's not a significant expense (relative to the toys) to keep fresh tires on it, so I won't let it happen again.

Be safe, check your DCs before this season.

My $.02


Pictures taken Nov 19th and Nov 26th, 2019.. I was 30 minutes from Glamis going there.. and 30 minutes from home, coming home when I had the blow-outs. Forgot about the rim, so I guess I have one 'funky non-matching' rim on my rig.. like I care.. trailer is an 08.. I think.

tire blow 2.jpg

tire blow.jpg

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You're correct, the date code has that tire produced in the 10th week of 2011. Glad you made it back in one piece. 

Learned last year to carry a "go bag" of essentials anytime we roadtrip or have a trailer. First item on the list in the bag is the 3/4" elec impact, for good reason. 
I also carry spare bearing and the tool to replace, they are packed with each trailer.  Sucks to be stranded with no cell service.

The dry heat kills the tires, we’ve all had about the same story although you were pretty lucky. I tried to get one more trip on 6 year old tires, two blowouts before Vegas, into the tire store!😡 

On a motorhome or fifth wheel, the damage usually is way more than a tire and the time! I’m five years on motorhome. 

I also carry spare bearing and the tool to replace, they are packed with each trailer.  Sucks to be stranded with no cell service.
Yep, had the same in the toyhauler compartment. Reminds me, I need to pickup one for the flatbed now that we've gone the moho route. 

Glad you made it home.  Nothing will make you pucker more than changing a flat on a busy freeway against a concrete barrier, with 1 foot of room on the white line.  My car trailer bag  is a bit crazy, An actual complete spring assembly, 2 u bolt kits, 2 complete shackles and bolts,  a set of pre greased bearing set and inner seal, and last, extra cotter pins washer, cap. and extra wiring for lights.   but I have seen some stranded trailers on the side of the freeway waiting to be stolen. 

When I bought my trailer he said he had replaced the tires 2 years before. Date code looked fine. But first trip I blew a tire, second trip I blew a tire, third trip I blew a tire. Finally just put 4 brand new tires on 4 years ago. Last season I noticed a bulge so I replaced one. Then Halloween I blew a tire. I keep a bottle jack in the trailer for that reason, but it needs a 5” block which is USUALLY in the trailer. But I pulled it out over summer to work on the boat trailer. So I used my buggy jack and it folded the legs damn near in half. Luckily was just outside of el centro and went to discount and got 2 new tires. Now I’m on the change tires every 3 years program. I hate changing tires in the side of the freeway. Even though I have it down to about 5 minutes now…
