ECU Tunes Outlawed in California

I've already felt a nudge on this...

Took my truck to get smog checked 2 weeks ago, DING Fail without ever being hooked up.

My Volant Cold Air Intake didn't have the 50 State ARB sticker on it could see where it has been for the last 18 years...

Guy said sorry, that intake wont pass....Googled it and sure enough, its not even legal anymore nor can I get that sticker from the MFG.

Eff this, I'll be back Smog guy...

Come back with the stock intake set up and air filter....guy says "I'm just letting you know, if that is not your Air Intake, ECU or won't be able to switch it later.

The new system logged the serial numbers of my stuff, each year moving forward it will compare if there have been any changes. It was all my OEM stuff, so no problem there.

Yup, CARB is in full effect on this stuff now. Tossed the Volant system in the trash and now enjoy a much nicer quieter driving experience....LOL.

I'm so over anything not OEM these days.

2 years, no gas lawnmowers, WTF?!

I read an article last week that CARB researched the makers of aftermarket tuners or modifications to stock units, set up a sting and went directly to these tuners and fined them for making modifications. 
Pretty good idea on their part but sucks for those that need a tune. 
I remember the old days, no ECU’s  to rat you out. 🖕🏼

It is INSANE / My daughters Cat was stolen off her Honda Accord....The Cats are $100 bucks BUT guess what.....the CARB approved ones are 10X - 16X that/ CRAZY!!!!!

California is driving residents and Business and their TAX DOLLARS AWAY!!!! 

It Sucks!!!!

And guess what you can't legally take a cat off another car and put on yours, even if it is the same model.  The state makes you buy brand new.  All while they are being stolen every night..............Buddy got is MOHO ones stolen from his storage the other night.  Such a racket

And guess what you can't legally take a cat off another car and put on yours, even if it is the same model.  The state makes you buy brand new.  All while they are being stolen every night..............Buddy got is MOHO ones stolen from his storage the other night.  Such a racket
It is soo Crazy and doesn't make ANY SENSE!!!!! I hate what California has become........ I X the days off the wall calander till I can leave after my son is done with High School.


California is driving residents and Business and their TAX DOLLARS AWAY!!!! 

It :poule:
No it is not. CA is driving its OG residents out but the houses are selling faster than people are leaving. Every city in CA is building Mixed use micro housing.....EVERYWHERE. My house in Poway is scheduled to close escrow next week. We had 100's of people walk through. I would say 99% foreigners. No disrespect to them but that is who is buying up CA........with CASH offers. 

Then the Californians buy and pay way too much everywhere else because we have extra cash. Now every other state costs a fortune to live at. 

Back to topic..........SMOG SUCKS

Step by step it's just not worth being here anymore.  I already bought out of State, and am just making hay while the sun is shinning still working in the Bay Area for another couple years, if I can last that long. 


And guess what you can't legally take a cat off another car and put on yours, even if it is the same model.  The state makes you buy brand new.  All while they are being stolen every night..............Buddy got is MOHO ones stolen from his storage the other night.  Such a racket
Don't forget that not only does the cat have to match your year/make/model/engine, it also has to match your engine's specific test group: vehicles sold in the,control equipment of motor vehicles.

Check this before buying  CA legal cat.  Ask me how I know...

This makes me wonder about the roadside testing stations, also!  I wonder if they will start checking that way?

This makes me wonder about the roadside testing stations, also!  I wonder if they will start checking that way?
Saw one of these on check points in Anaheim, they were scanning plates as you drove up. I'm assuming they have certain cars flagged in the system. Meanwhile you can smoke crack & poop on the streets of LA with impunity. Great job California no wonder we rank last on the list in the US for quality of file. At least you can get a gender neutral toy now without issue.  

They are also flagging known car groups. I work next to the state referee and for 1 month all he pulled in was Ford Lightnings. Next month was all BMW M3s

I just added a tuned black bear ecu to my 2500hd.glad I’m not in ca anymore. 

in az I do have to get emissions tested every year though just cause it’s a 2500. But 17 bucks and 35-40 to register. 😂

I always cut my cat off my RV after getting it smogged. I would weld it back on for the test. Did this forever. (Had a hallowed cat to put in it's place.)

I went to get it smogged this year and guy flagged the welds as a tamper. I tried to make them rusty but he saw right through it. Had to install new cat. Now I have to smog every year for the life of it too. 

I'm not complaining, I knew that what I was doing was wrong but no room for screwing around anymore.  I will say that a local muffler shop is the one that told me to do this yearsssssz ago because he said that I would be burning up cats going up and down the grade.

It's not going to be fun dragging that bitch to get smogged every year.

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