is a used house rooftop AC unit worth anything?


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2021
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15 year old 5 ton Goodman rooftop AC unit worth anything? Yes it works, over its life i had to replace outdoor fan and capacitors, been a solid unit. Got a deal on a new unit that ill install myself.

just curious if i could sell it and recoup the crane fee or donate it and take a write off.
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10 years ago I installed a 20 year old roof top AC of of an old RV onto my enclosed trailer. Still works.
No help on what it's worth, but when I added my third AC to my trailer, 2 of us slide it /pulled it up an extention ladder to get it up there.
If it has copper wire the local meth heads might find it is worth something. LOL!

Put it up on offer-up and see if anyone wants it.
Tweakers-R-Us LOL

I saw a place in Deer Valley, don't know the name, that must be a recycler, as they were stacked to the moon. Otherwise, maybe somebody would want it for a garage/barn.
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