Hell and back (literally).

While I don't think I went thru this much crap, my Brother sued my dad because his wife fell off his motorhome roof at Nascar. This after pretty much living off him for his entire life. As well, my Dad funded a house purchase. My Dad kept a lot of from me until I started digging thru everything. My Dad was embarrassed for sure.

I ended up hiring a Lawyer to help guide me thru all of this (I had to keep my Dad's finances away from all of it). We sold the house, evicted them, countersued on the injury. In the end, my Dad was devasted and his health started to fail over-night. A year later my Dad passed, then my Brother was suing the trust. I finally talked him out of it all, and he dropped the lawsuit. But in the end, money wasted and I pretty much hold my Brother somewhat responsible for dad's early death..

Good for you for removing you Mom from a toxic situation. Parents sometimes spend too much time and money trying to appease family.
geez, that's crazy! don't understand why people are like this, but i have some family that fall into this category
If I hadn’t forced the issue with my father and got him sorted out via an updated Will and living trust I would have been dealing with unstable family members for years.
Nobody wants to think about / address their demise. The best way to address the issue with parents or older loved ones is to speak to them about living, present the idea of a living trust as them making life easier on themselves down the road.
You don’t truly know anyone until you’re in the back of a cop car in Mexico headed to jail or sitting across from them splitting up assets.
my dad told me the plots are paid, the arrangements are paid, he owes noone nothing and even his and mom's clothes are picked out, but I got a feeling my sister who he has taken care of forever could be an issue, although Im the executor of the will. she's never bought a car, he's always kept her in one, fixed them, done house repairs etc, and shes prob 52 now, married longer than me and her kids both work and live at home. time will tell
my dad told me the plots are paid, the arrangements are paid, he owes noone nothing and even his and mom's clothes are picked out, but I got a feeling my sister who he has taken care of forever could be an issue, although Im the executor of the will. she's never bought a car, he's always kept her in one, fixed them, done house repairs etc, and shes prob 52 now, married longer than me and her kids both work and live at home. time will tell
Make sure you have a copy of the will and Trust. It is worth having the tough conversations about power of attorney as well. None of these conversations are easy but are essential to make sure everything goes smooth when he dies.

If you have "step" relatives, make sure you know where they fit into the equation as well. A stepmom can really throw a wrench into everything.
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Man, I'm so happy my recently departed mother had all her shit handled years before she passed away (which we made sure she did) and I'm even more happy that my brother and I have always been close and have zero issues regarding her estate. I hear stuff like this all the time and I'm constantly like "what the fuck is wrong with people". OP, glad you got it sorted out, but damn what a pain . . .
Family and money. Been there, done that. I don't understand Why people loose their minds over money, that won't last long.

Good luck Dave. Happy to hear your mom is out there with you. (y)
I'm glad I'm not the only having to deal with this shit..

Honestly I think the lowest rung of hell is reserved for people that do this kinda shit.

geezus man, these stories are horrifying.
The one thing I dread the most is my parents passing, and its coming, and I am not sure I can handle that. Much less the stress that comes with getting rid of things. Hopefully my sister doesn't do this which i don't think she would, but man, when people pass the worst comes out quick.
sorry your dealing with these issues.
No matter what type of relationship or terms you have w/ your sister....money and family don't go together!!!!
Make sure your parents have a living trust and a will !!!