Hell and back (literally).


Staff member
Aug 7, 2024
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Well the good news is I’m back.. lol.

So awhile back I start getting phone calls from
Realtors asking about my property in North County. At first I figured it was just spam calls but one got real specific real fast and I realized they were talking about my mothers house.. come to find out it was actually listed on the MLS.. 😳. (Something she would never do)

The story is absolutely wild, as you may have already surmised a nefarious family member was up to no good and basically tried to fleece my mom for a little over 200k..

Super short version.
Shitbag sibling getting evicted from
Trailer park for a multitude of reasons but mainly drug trafficking. Tells mom gonna sell that trailer and get a new trailer but the cost swing will be minimal. Mom agrees.. enter her coconspirator Shitbag RE agent to help facilitate the process..
The devil is in the details but they greased her for 41k, and committed so many acts of fraud, wire fraud, stolen identity etc together that to list them all would be a novel..

Both made it very apparent in the initial unwind they weren’t going away and would be coming back as soon as we left town.

So over the last six-seven weeks we have had everything from lawyers to cops… installing cameras on the house, driving back and forth to Carlsbad from Havasu etc.. Chasing the predators off you name it..

There’s a ton more involving a mentally ill homeless brother coming out of jail for the last 2 1/2 years at the same time..

Honestly it is by far the saddest and most stressful full thing I have ever had to deal with in my life.

End result there were several people living in my moms house so we got them all relocated to other places and as of three days ago my mom is in a rental house in Havasu until we get her house fixed up and sold.

I’m hesitant to put it all online due to impending prosecutions, department of DRE investigations, and some other factors.. but whatever it is you are imagining it’s worse.. much much worse.

To give one example of that.. said nefarious sibling wanted to come by to see mom to say goodbye.. Through all the crocodile tears I reluctantly said yes.. No shit when I went to the bathroom and she was alone for one minute she hit my mom up for one of her cars.. 😳. Just unreal and honestly embarrassing to even admit I’m related to these shitbags..

That all said I promised my mom a zero stress life of fun and and enjoyment with her grandkids and that’s what she’s got now.. This is the first time I have seen her happy in a long long time.

Disregard the bandaid on her nose she had a small surgery and it will be healed next week.. honestly she’d probably kill me if she knew I put a pic online.. lol.

Operations for gd.com will resume later this week as I have to work on Supercat for the next few days!

Side note even with ditching an entire garage full of stuff.. the stuff she had to have, pretty much filled up my 3,000 sqft shop.. 😳

That’s gonna take a year to go through.

@RiverDave Thanks for sharing the family story. Was the "nefarious family member" part of the group that went to southern Mexico on the big family trip last month, or were they already "on the outs" with everyone?
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@RiverDave Thanks for sharing the family story. Was the "nefarious family member" part of the group that went to southern Mexico on the big family trip last month, or were they already "on the outs" with everyone?

Absolutely not. That was my family and friends that went to Mexico.. Honestly having moved to Havasu 13 years ago I forgot what it is like to deal with all these people. My mom just keeps on trying over and over to get them on the right track, even after 50+ years of fuck ups..

Needless to say that has now come to an end.

Sorry. I have a drug addict nephew and its the same bs. If he’s not stealing from his family he’s threatening to kill them. Perfectly normal guy until he discovered heroin and meth. Sad people dont take this issue more seriously
Carlsbad......daaam - Im in Carlsbad - Let me know when you are here next.....
Junkies are the worst, I feel for your mom and you. Keep at it, better days ahead.

Cut them off with all legal means, etc. A 🔫 helps too.
glad yore getting things in order.
This may sound odd but you need to get it in your head that it’s nothing personal.
You have a pest problem, nothing more.
The folks you’re dealing with (drug addicted / mentally unstable) thrive on confrontation and chaos and in most cases actually believe they’re owed whatever it is they’re trying to beg, borrow or steal.
Treat them like a rabid coyote that you can’t just shoot, that you have to go through the proper channels to dispatch.
Don’t go up to your fence and spend hours yelling at the coyote getting stressed out. If you’re forced to interact with them NEVER raise your voice or lower yourself to their comfort level (screaming / insults), they can’t stand it when you refuse to take the bait and remain focused and calm.
If you don’t make this as impersonal as possible the stress will consume you and eventually have an affect on your other relationships.
Stay the course and keep your eye on the goal.
So glad I don't play the "family game". I have siblings I haven't spoke to in over 12 years with no plans to ever start again. I have to remind my parents occasionally if they start their crap, they'll be next. Nothing about blood gives anyone, any reason to treat you like shit or expect you to give in.
Carlsbad......daaam - Im in Carlsbad - Let me know when you are here next.....

Other than my favorite tacos shops I don’t really have any reason to go back.
Never mind then / Don't Bother

Hopefully soon I’ll catch everyone out in the desert. This journey is still a ways from over as I still have to secure a new house and move my family as well but we are making progress everyday.

What a bummer. Glad your mom has you to take care of her.
My neighbor Sharon around the corner is going through this exact same thing. Dirtbag Stepdaughter somehow sold her house for 600K, Market value is 950-1m+. Stepdaughter lives in Montana. the father has passed away years ago and, in the will,/trust it is stated that Sharon is to stay in the house till the day she passes away.
Sharon has the deed to the house, yet cops came up one day and told her to be out by Tuesday...this was said on a Friday. Multiple court dates, this has now been going on for the better part of 6 months maybe more.
She's still there. and hopefully gets resolved quick.
So sad.
She's 78 years old and tries to walk down every Wednesday for Trash night at my house...neighbors get together and have beers in my driveway.
So sad what she's going through and have had her crying in my arms many times!

What it comes down to is PEOPLE SUCK and Family can be even worse!!!
geezus man, these stories are horrifying.
The one thing I dread the most is my parents passing, and its coming, and I am not sure I can handle that. Much less the stress that comes with getting rid of things. Hopefully my sister doesn't do this which i don't think she would, but man, when people pass the worst comes out quick.
sorry your dealing with these issues.
So glad I don't play the "family game". I have siblings I haven't spoke to in over 12 years with no plans to ever start again. I have to remind my parents occasionally if they start their crap, they'll be next. Nothing about blood gives anyone, any reason to treat you like shit or expect you to give

geezus man, these stories are horrifying.
The one thing I dread the most is my parents passing, and its coming, and I am not sure I can handle that. Much less the stress that comes with getting rid of things. Hopefully my sister doesn't do this which i don't think she would, but man, when people pass the worst comes out quick.
sorry your dealing with these issues.
If I hadn’t forced the issue with my father and got him sorted out via an updated Will and living trust I would have been dealing with unstable family members for years.
Nobody wants to think about / address their demise. The best way to address the issue with parents or older loved ones is to speak to them about living, present the idea of a living trust as them making life easier on themselves down the road.
You don’t truly know anyone until you’re in the back of a cop car in Mexico headed to jail or sitting across from them splitting up assets.
While I don't think I went thru this much crap, my Brother sued my dad because his wife fell off his motorhome roof at Nascar. This after pretty much living off him for his entire life. As well, my Dad funded a house purchase. My Dad kept a lot of from me until I started digging thru everything. My Dad was embarrassed for sure.

I ended up hiring a Lawyer to help guide me thru all of this (I had to keep my Dad's finances away from all of it). We sold the house, evicted them, countersued on the injury. In the end, my Dad was devasted and his health started to fail over-night. A year later my Dad passed, then my Brother was suing the trust. I finally talked him out of it all, and he dropped the lawsuit. But in the end, money wasted and I pretty much hold my Brother somewhat responsible for dad's early death..

Good for you for removing you Mom from a toxic situation. Parents sometimes spend too much time and money trying to appease family.
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If I hadn’t forced the issue with my father and got him sorted out via an updated Will and living trust I would have been dealing with unstable family members for years.
Nobody wants to think about / address their demise. The best way to address the issue with parents or older loved ones is to speak to them about living, present the idea of a living trust as them making life easier on themselves down the road.
You don’t truly know anyone until you’re in the back of a cop car in Mexico headed to jail or sitting across from them splitting up assets.
I had to do the same thing, so glad everything was organized and in a trust when he passed. I am now doing the same thing with my Mom, Trust hasn't been updated in 30 years or more.