Palisades Fire Update: Milkvetch back in the news:

Dive Bar Casanova

Active member
Jul 25, 2021
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California’s eco-bureaucrats halted a wildfire prevention project near the Pacific Palisades to protect an endangered shrub.

How California eco-bureaucrats halted a Pacific Palisades fire safety project to save an endangered shrub:​

New York Post:

"It’s just the latest clash between fire safety and conservation in California that is coming under scrutiny following the devastating outbreak of the Palisades Fire — the most devastating blaze in Los Angeles history, which has consumed the very same area.

In 2019, the LA Department of Water and Power (LADWP) began replacing nearly 100-year-old power line poles cutting through Topanga State Park, when the project was halted within days by conservationists outraged that federally endangered Braunton’s milkvetch plants had been trampled during the process."

That’s the California way. We had a job in Thousand Oaks along side a creak . We had to deal with a 3” plant. It had to have the dust removed everyday and misted with water. If anything happened to it the company would have been fined millions of dollars.
The severe wind warnings were out almost a week before they hit. Before Bass left for Africa looking for Lesbians.

Bass cut the fire Dept budget almost 20% and before leaving for Africa demanded almost another $50 million cut over the remainder of her term at $17 million a year.

100 Fire fighters were cut for not taking the Covid shot, never replaced.
Fire Equipment mechanics retired never replaced.
Repair shop over-flowing with ageing, broken equipment.
Newsom banning water sources hurt tragically.

Reservoir under repair were either low or dry and not replenishing because of cuts in funding.
Lesbian DEI hired Fire Chief stated to the news "She had no clue the reservoirs fed the fire hydrants."

Somehow the Democrats are blaming Trump for all of this.
Mayor Karen Basshole stated during the election she would never travel away from Los Angeles, never travel Internationally while in office.

Like Joseph Goebbels said after the 8th Air Force flattened Berlin, Bass's first words upon returning from Africa: "We Will Rebuild!"

We had to buy our brush clearing equipment in Las Vegas because Newsom banned the sale of them in Calif, even from AMAZON.

Democrats lies are now becoming the tragic truth. Democrats don't govern, Democrats rule by Decree. You cannot reason with a Democrat.
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Last week the governor announced a probe into why the reservoir was empty.

Exactly what sparked the fires remains under investigation, but they are believed to have begun not far from Topanga State Park on a trail in the neighboring Temescal Gateway Park.

Neither the LADWP nor the California Coastal Commission responded to requests for comment.

I hope the BS is uncovered, we need change in how this state is ran. This may be the event to turn the tide.
Reservoirs under repair were either low or dry and not replenishing because of cuts in funding. Newsom banning water sources hurt tragically.
Only the one reservoir was under repair. There other reservoirs in the area that were at capacity. Where did you see Newsom banned water sources?

The delta smelt is the result of a federal lawsuit under the Endangered Species Act.
Only the one reservoir was under repair. There other reservoirs in the area that were at capacity. Where did you see Newsom banned water sources?

The delta smelt is the result of a federal lawsuit under the Endangered Species Act.
I misunderstood and stand corrected on Newsom. Gavin's French Laundry shenanigans and lies are fact.
But several million gallon water supply tanks ran dry.

KFI was reporting the fire was 10 acres and 10 minutes old as I snapped this pic at 11:14 AM January 7.
YouTube channels of homeowners video recording with time indexes in the area calling 911 - 10 minute earlier.
20 minutes later KFI and homeowners reporting the fire had spread to 200 acres and still no Fire Dept response.
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I hope the BS is uncovered, we need change in how this state is ran. This may be the event to turn the tide.
Newsom running for cover, politicians flipping the scrips and finger pointing.
Remember Newsom limited Paradise Fire Victims to $10.000 compensation after the French Laundry scandal where Newsom lied and claimed the Lobbyists were from Walmart. Turned out they represented PG&E and other utilities.

Had to buy this brush clearing weed eater in Las Vegas because Newsom banned them in California and from Amazon. .

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I misunderstood and stand corrected on Newsom.
But several supply tanks ran dry.

KFI was reporting the fire was 10 acres and 10 minutes old as I snapped this pic at 11:14 AM January 7.
YouTube channels of homeowners in the area calling 911 - 10 minute earlier.
20 minutes later KFI and homeowners reporting the fire had spread to 200 acres and still no Fire Dept response.
The winds were gusting 50mph or more and it does not take long for a small fire to become a huge fire when you have all that brush around. I could see the smoke from my office in Encino when it started. The wind was strong enough it was making our building make all kinds of noises.
The winds were gusting 50mph or more and it does not take long for a small fire to become a huge fire when you have all that brush around. I could see the smoke from my office in Encino when it started. The wind was strong enough it was making our building make all kinds of noises.
So there really is a Sand Shark.
All this time I thought you were computer generated. AI.

Musta been a rumor.
Wait a minute, I started that rumor.
Wait, I thought the "Milk Vetch" only grew in the dunes, Wasn't that the spin they put on it for the dune closures ?
Typical CA BS!!
Spot on, that was Danny the meth head / wife beater spokesperson for Center for Biological Diversity telling everyone the dunes was the last place you could find Milkweed.
Someone on GD.Com caught his ass driving his SUV out in a restricted area and sent a picture of it to the state. Dude grenaded shortly after that, got caught with a bag of Tweek.

Thanks for the info on the world's worst mayor. Here is some additional info from Glenn Beck. It is absolutely shocking to me what has become of California and Los Angeles, where I lived for 3 years in the 2000's.
