Any fusion 360 experts here ?


New member
May 22, 2023
I made a spur gear in fusion and cant get it to upload to send cut send .
Its a step file
I converted it to sheet metal

Send cut send kicks it back saying the thickness is not consistent ?

Any ideas or tips out there ?
Your issue most likely is that you need to save it as a dxf file. This is assuming the part is going to be laser cut. I would re-draw the part as a sketch and then save as a dxf and send to them that way.
As said above I wouldn't use the sheet metal function.

model as normal save it as dxf file.

Fusion is great and there spur gear function is okay but very limited.
I’m actually downloading this software as soon as I get home to start modeling things to make in my vf2.. problem is I don’t have anything to make right now.. lol

I’m actually downloading this software as soon as I get home to start modeling things to make in my vf2.. problem is I don’t have anything to make right now.. lol

For the price fusion is hard to beat. I believe there are a few Haas posts for cam that may work for your machine.
I’m actually downloading this software as soon as I get home to start modeling things to make in my vf2.. problem is I don’t have anything to make right now.. lol

You've got a VF2? That's baller machinery lol!
I was in the market for a vertical mill a few years ago for my garage enjoyment but the VF2 I wanted required 50a of 3 phase and wasn't phase converter friendly. I also looked at a Syil X7 and a Tormach 1100MX, both of which would run on single phase 220, but damn they weren't giving them away! I'm glad I held off because now Tormach makes a 1500MX which is no longer a Chinese machine and has many features of a much more expensive mill. It's not a Haas VF but it's also half the cost, doesn't require 3 phase and will still hold .0005" tolerances. I can only dream what I could make with a 1500MX with 4th axis...:whistle:

Fusion 360 is very popular with the folks who don't use SolidWorks, I wish I had the time to really learn it well.
You've got a VF2? That's baller machinery lol!
I was in the market for a vertical mill a few years ago for my garage enjoyment but the VF2 I wanted required 50a of 3 phase and wasn't phase converter friendly. I also looked at a Syil X7 and a Tormach 1100MX, both of which would run on single phase 220, but damn they weren't giving them away! I'm glad I held off because now Tormach makes a 1500MX which is no longer a Chinese machine and has many features of a much more expensive mill. It's not a Haas VF but it's also half the cost, doesn't require 3 phase and will still hold .0005" tolerances. I can only dream what I could make with a 1500MX with 4th axis...:whistle:

Fusion 360 is very popular with the folks who don't use SolidWorks, I wish I had the time to really learn it well.

I grew up machining and long before I was ole RiverDave I had an aerospace machine shop. When Obama downsized the military he basically took me out of biz because all I did was prototyping for weapons mfg’s.. actually that guy completely changed the trajectory of my life a couple times which is another story for another time.. lol

I have a medium sized moreiseki lathe.. Bridgeport, do all bandsaw, surface grinder, all the tooling you could ever want for all of them.. and a vf2 super speed with through spindle coolant, renshaw probe, 4th axis (tombstone) etc.. I never actually programmed CNC before and when my friend passed on I picked up his personal favorite machine..

Actually if anyone is in havasu that wants free access to a vf2 I’d give them machine time just for lessons to make sure I don’t crash the damn thing.

Yes crashing the carbide into the workpiece sometimes does serious damage to the spindle and/or workholder, especially if it's travelling at 200ipm.

That's a fine gesture on your part.

If anyone has some spare time, the videos that Titans of CNC produces are pretty interesting. Some of those machines are many hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Fusion 360 is awesome. I use it to 3d print. Made my dash in sand car with it, and a part to fix the MCD blinds in my bus that they no longer make and wanted $450 a window! Now I have gone down a rabbit hole with "Gridfinity" and have been making organizers for my tool box.

I watched a ton of you tube on fashion 360 to learn how to use it.
I have free fusion and it wont let me do dxf files . Not sure i want to pay for something i might only use this one time . Can some one make this gear for me on dxf format ?IMG_9821.jpeg
Are you trying to a solid part? Or a drawing/sketch/flat pattern? DXF files are only for 2D drawing/sketches/flat pattern. I think the free version allows dxf exporting.
Are you trying to a solid part? Or a drawing/sketch/flat pattern? DXF files are only for 2D drawing/sketches/flat pattern. I think the free version allows dxf exporting.
The spur generator creates a 3d image .

And no dxf export :-(
And now no exports at all after you do ten exports