Conspiracy Theorists

We've seen a lot in the past 8 years. I mean A LOT. What this has done is create a large pool of conspiracy theorists. Some things...have been proven. Somethings..."'s gonna happen...' When? I don't know but you'll see! Still waiting...

Then we have the real special ones. The flat earthers and my personal fave...the chemtrail people. These people have so much conviction and simply cannot understand science. We have a couple of them in the family. I have to walk away. I'm a retired military pilot and have never freaking seen a "chemtrail switch" in a cockpit or tanks on a plane to spray chemtrails.

I know some of you exist on here. So here's your bone...
- Yes, the U.S. Government has conducted aerial spraying ops over U.S. the past. This has been proven. Could they still do it or do it again? Absolutely.
- Are scientists experimenting with "cloud seeding"? Yes. This is not a secret.

What neither of these say or confirm is that every freaking airplane flying over is part of the man's plan to gas and control you.


Seems legit to me! 😁
Omega is a private contractor that provides aerial tankers for training and even missions. They have 3 tankers (2-707 1-dc10) there are multiple private contractors aiding in training because they can do it cheaper than the govt. everything from tanking, target tow, isr, and aggressor. Hell most every part of training is subbed out to private entities now. Even with ground forces
What? The contractors can't do it [tanking] cheaper and the pilots need the flight hours regardless [Navy doesn't really have a persistent aerial refueling capability so I can them using it]. And no clue what aggressors you're talking about but I'm an air intercept controller and the only "aggressor" I can think of would be a platform resembling something like the AN2 Colt or target drones. And ISR? Data collection from something like a TACTS pod, yes. WADS?

Edit to attempt to change the "tone"
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What lol? The contractors can't do it [tanking] cheaper and the pilots need the flight hours regardless. And no clue what aggressors you're talking about but I'm an air intercept controller and the only "aggressor" I can think of would be a platform resembling something like the AN2 Colt or target drones. And ISR? Data collection from something like a TACTS pod, yes.
They are training the receivers to tank. Ie f-35’s, f-18’s, and yes there are multiple private aggressor contractors. They fly f-16’s, drakens, kafirs, and hawker hunters. They are off the coast and in the barry goldwater range nearly daily.
I work on the isr aircraft regularly. They are very real
Short list of private contractors to is govt.
Omega air
Matrea strategic mobility
Top aces
Draken int
Airborne tactical advantage
Phoenix air

Its not a secret we hire private training contractors

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Chemtrail People are the dumbest. Had a guy who worked for me was convinced they were true, When I slowly explained to him how unlikely they were he dug in his heels so hard, and his answers got more and more stupid as he tried to convince himself he was right.
All I asked was
What planes are they using?
Where do they fill them up at?
If they are releasing stuff into the air that high how much would they have to release for us to see it down here?
How many gallons of that stuff would they release to be able to stretch from horizon to horizon?

Flat Earthers are just mouth breathers who should have died from doing stupid shit while they were kids but child- proof caps and safety guards have let them sneak past their expiration date.
Chemtrail People are the dumbest. Had a guy who worked for me was convinced they were true, When I slowly explained to him how unlikely they were he dug in his heels so hard, and his answers got more and more stupid as he tried to convince himself he was right.
All I asked was
What planes are they using?
Where do they fill them up at?
If they are releasing stuff into the air that high how much would they have to release for us to see it down here?
How many gallons of that stuff would they release to be able to stretch from horizon to horizon?

Flat Earthers are just mouth breathers who should have died from doing stupid shit while they were kids but child- proof caps and safety guards have let them sneak past their expiration date.
So you're saying there's a chance????????????
They are training the receivers to tank. Ie f-35’s, f-18’s, and yes there are multiple private aggressor contractors. They fly f-16’s, drakens, kafirs, and hawker hunters. They are off the coast and in the barry goldwater range nearly daily.
I work on the isr aircraft regularly. They are very real
How long have the Drakens and Kfirs been a contracted service? I remember similar aircraft supporting things like Red Flag but was pretty sure they were still Government owned.

Edit: they had some Hinds out there in the late 90s but I thought those were AF owned. Know anything about those? I was out in Tonopah in BFE when one came flying over during an exercise.
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Chemtrail People are the dumbest. Had a guy who worked for me was convinced they were true, When I slowly explained to him how unlikely they were he dug in his heels so hard, and his answers got more and more stupid as he tried to convince himself he was right.
All I asked was
What planes are they using?
Where do they fill them up at?
If they are releasing stuff into the air that high how much would they have to release for us to see it down here?
How many gallons of that stuff would they release to be able to stretch from horizon to horizon?

Flat Earthers are just mouth breathers who should have died from doing stupid shit while they were kids but child- proof caps and safety guards have let them sneak past their expiration date.

How long have the Drakens and Kfirs been a contracted service? I remember similar aircraft supporting things like Red Flag but was pretty sure they were still Government owned.

Edit: they had some Hinds out there in the late 90s but I thought those were AF owned. Know anything about those? I was out in Tonopah in BFE when one came flying over during an exercise.
I’ve been seeing them and others regularly in southern California for about 4/5 years now

Drakens are owned by draken int. Which operates many diff aircraft type. Company is owned by billionaire banker jacob isaacman.

Kfirs are operated by ATAC a subsidiary of textron
How long have the Drakens and Kfirs been a contracted service? I remember similar aircraft supporting things like Red Flag but was pretty sure they were still Government owned.

Edit: they had some Hinds out there in the late 90s but I thought those were AF owned. Know anything about those? I was out in Tonopah in BFE when one came flying over during an exercise.
There is a privately owned hind agressor that operates out of mcas yuma. They are owned by vertol systems inc. They operate many commie birds mi-8 mi-17 m-24 mi-35 they also operate domestic and european helicopters as well as fixed wing. They are based in florida and got some notoriety as the company ron desantis hired to fly illegals to marthas vineyard
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There is a privately owned hind agressor that operates out of mcas yuma. They are owned by vertol systems inc. They operate many commie birds mi-8 mi-17 m-24 mi-35 they also operate domestic and european helicopters as well as fixed wing. They are based in florida and got some notoriety as the company ron desantis hired to fly illegals to marthas vineyard
That must be fairly recent; maybe when the 35s came?
We've seen a lot in the past 8 years. I mean A LOT. What this has done is create a large pool of conspiracy theorists. Some things...have been proven. Somethings..."'s gonna happen...' When? I don't know but you'll see! Still waiting...

Then we have the real special ones. The flat earthers and my personal fave...the chemtrail people. These people have so much conviction and simply cannot understand science. We have a couple of them in the family. I have to walk away. I'm a retired military pilot and have never freaking seen a "chemtrail switch" in a cockpit or tanks on a plane to spray chemtrails.

I know some of you exist on here. So here's your bone...
- Yes, the U.S. Government has conducted aerial spraying ops over U.S. the past. This has been proven. Could they still do it or do it again? Absolutely.
- Are scientists experimenting with "cloud seeding"? Yes. This is not a secret.

What neither of these say or confirm is that every freaking airplane flying over is part of the man's plan to gas and control you.
Back in the 1980s, the media discovered "Title 50" that allowed testing bio weapons on the public. If you look it up today, it's been "Sanitized" to remove the overt permission that was published years ago. I don't know if they still do this, but why would they stop.
The original text indicated it was legal if they informed "Local Officials". The problem was, it didn't specify what was a "Local Official".

The U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Untreated Syphilis Study at Tuskegee was a study conducted between 1932 and 1972. The study was supposed to observe the natural history of untreated syphilis. As part of the study, researchers did not collect informed consent from participants. They also did not offer treatment, even after it was easily available. The study ended in 1972 on the recommendation of an Ad Hoc Advisory Panel. The panel was convened by the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs, following publication of news articles about the study.
Back in the 1980s, the media discovered "Title 50" that allowed testing bio weapons on the public. If you look it up today, it's been "Sanitized" to remove the overt permission that was published years ago. I don't know if they still do this, but why would they stop.
The original text indicated it was legal if they informed "Local Officials". The problem was, it didn't specify what was a "Local Official".

What about how they Created the unibomber??

Ted Kaczynski was an absolute child genius...

167 IQ and when to Harvard at age 15. 😱

So they figured he would be the perfect test subject to test their mind control theories on! Unknown to him, they shoved him full of LSD until they fried his brain.

I started reading his Manifesto one day, and pretty much everything he was trying to warn the world about, has come true.

Your tax dollars at work! 👍🏼🖕🤬
What about how they Created the unibomber??

Ted Kaczynski was an absolute child genius...

167 IQ and when to Harvard at age 15. 😱

So they figured he would be the perfect test subject to test their mind control theories on! Unknown to him, they shoved him full of LSD until they fried his brain.

I started reading his Manifesto one day, and pretty much everything he was trying to warn the world about, has come true.

Your tax dollars at work! 👍🏼🖕🤬
No disagreement from me.

While highly unpopular....what about all the good things Hitler did? Shoot...Stalin for that matter. We seem to negate all that.
No disagreement from me.

While highly unpopular....what about all the good things Hitler did? Shoot...Stalin for that matter. We seem to negate all that.

I'm not familiar enough to comment on this.

I heard Syphilis will make you crazy though? 🤷‍♂️😁
  • Haha
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