Unbiased News!


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May 9, 2021
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Is there such a thing anymore? Just give me the facts! I don’t care about your opinion. Let me make up my own mind. I don’t care about car chases “Thanks OJ” I don’t care about the celebrity entertainment BS. Eff P Diidy!! I want an unbiased news source about what’s going on in the world.
I seriously don't think there is.

I also don't think there ever was!

It's like Jonah Jameson in Spider Man.

He didn't care about the truth, his job was to sell news papers.

All media is about making money. Human interest stories, just aren't interesting enough.

IMO.......... its a matter of degree. our local station (KUSI) was about the best @ simply reporting the news. they did, however pick very neutral stories & more conservative stories. they left the national & political non-sense up to the corporate stations. when they do politics they are very equal. they had a candidate on last night & @ the end of it, while the dude was sitting there still, they talked about the interview with the opposition right there live.
Unfortunately NO!! Extremists and die hards from both parties, only believe the negative rhetoric about the opposing party! Doesnt matter if its true or not (which youll never know!!). Their beliefs are so strong they cant think rationally! and the news only feeds the machine! As above, their job is to sell add space, nothing more!
I try to check each side of an issue,
and then set my BS Meter to "Stun"
Listening to everyone speak their OPINIONS about world / local news get's irritating. I agree with everyone. NO! Peace
I have a number of Substack subscriptions. Guys like Matt Taibbi (https://www.racket.news/) are interested in being journalists instead of money-grubbing fear-porn directors.

The problem we face today is journalism became a popular degree program at universities that were overrun with liberal activists in the 70s. These activists became professors and trained the group of monkeys you see reading the news today. Add to that repealing the fairness doctrine in broadcasting, and you have the shitshow of editorialism masquerading as journalism we have today.

This video shows the stark contract between the news of old, and the "news" of today.

I miss the days of people being allowed to watch the news and come to their own opinion…

Inquiring minds want to know!
If you know that saying...you're old like me!
I think that is where the BS really started. The National Inquirer! They would spew out headlines like Bigfoot caught with Standard Oil Mistress and Lochness Monster in a 3-way...and people would buy!

I stopped watching the news for content a few years ago. Now I read from multiple sources and try to form my own opinions.
I'm a news junkie. Always have been.

I used to have sources I could trust, not anymore. If something grabs my attention, I google the content and find multiple sources and then review those. Somewhere in the middle is the truth. If it's government related, I go to House.gov, Senate.gov, National archives, etc... Those are recorded minutes. Of course...you can't get or review any classified or redacted minutes.

It should be illegal for media outlets to publish/air "news" that is biased, spun, ideology leaning, misleading, all out lies. "IF" you don't post the unbiased truth, you should have to be labeled as satire or biased with the "lawyer banner" at the start, coming back from every commercial and at the end of the article/show.
I do about an hour a day reading all news sources and I watch equal amounts of MSNBC and Fox News. I do a deep dive on Google about things that I am leary about. Even then, Google is not forthcoming with their information either.
Fox News Definitely gets old after awhile...

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Hannity is the worst. I can't stand the same shit over and over again. I quit watching his show a long time ago.
I watch Gutfeld most nights. Entertaining as hell and I like his monologues which contain more common sense points than most commentary on TV.
Hannity is the worst. I can't stand the same shit over and over again. I quit watching his show a long time ago.
I watch Gutfeld most nights. Entertaining as hell and I like his monologues which contain more common sense points than most commentary on TV.
I'm with you on Hannity. Every time he comes on I always mock him (TODAY THE DIRTY DNC IS AT IT AGAIN) and I turn the channel to the local news.
Jessie is growing on me although he's kind of like a millennial Hannity. 😄

Gutfeld is a boss!
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Anyone watch Peter Santenello on YouTube?
He travels around the world , and finds a local person, usually as a guide, to see the other side….
Interesting to watch his videos and listen to people…main stream media is usually full of shi*.
When you actually listen to people, out in the real world, you really see how effed up the media is.