Thread chasing after powder coating?


Active member
May 5, 2021
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I just got all my parts back from powder coating. Unfortunately, when reinstalling several of the hiems, they would not go in. It appears that there is some material in the threads preventing installation.

So my question is - Is there a way to clean the threads without spending hundreds on taps? What have you done to fix this?

Been doing this myself.

I bought a set of left and right hand threaded taps and chase the holes. I got them off Amazon for about $15 each.
Thank you for the responses!

Ill grab some bolts and make my own thread chasers.
I would do as Rockwood said. In the past when I have done this I always cut into the threads at an angle such that the apex of the thread was pointed and cutting. Scooping the trash out and pushing it into the voids. Make the voids large and run it like a tap...
I bought this kit and it has been handy several times. It’s a Lang brand pretty sure I paid much less than $95. A thread file even saved the day when installing a Raptor axle.


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I just got all my parts back from powder coating. Unfortunately, when reinstalling several of the hiems, they would not go in. It appears that there is some material in the threads preventing installation.

So my question is - Is there a way to clean the threads without spending hundreds on taps? What have you done to fix this?

Where you located? If your close you can borrow my tools
Well I ordered a set off amazon and had it delivered next day. I cant believe how much crap builds up, add in powder coating and lets just say I did not budget the correct amount of time for my re-assembly.