Trick or treating in Glamis?


Staff member
Aug 7, 2024
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I’m trying to talk the family into going to Glamis for Halloween but my kids are resisting due to the truck or treating angle..

Does anyone organize like a large trick-or-treat deal in Glamis somewhere?
Don't do it!

You've been warned more than once already!

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What about Dumont then? I was talking to one of the advertisers earlier and he was saying dumont has a 1/4 mile long trick or treat deal
We went to Gordon’s every halloween. Everyone in camp brought candy and dressed up. Kids are all older now but we still go. Now Glamis Halloween weekend is a whole other story. Done it once, never again!
It wont be anything special for the kids and they most likely wont be happy. If you do your best to try it on the pads 3 or 5 or Roadrunner. But then your walking into someones camp most likely they are already drunk then the chances of the campers bringing candy to hand out is slim.
You would be an hour from El Centro and/or Yuma
Back in the day... the wash 13.5 Halloweens were always a good time with everyone dressed up and kids trick-or-treating. Some camps organize them and I've heard talk of some people attempting to organize a trunk or treat but with camp razr at the same time it's guaranteed to be a shit show wherever you are.
You guys are making me not want to goto Glamis on Halloween or camp rzr lol.

I have always wanted to check out camp rzr but now I’m wondering if it’s even worth it?
You guys are making me not want to goto Glamis on Halloween or camp rzr lol.

I have always wanted to check out camp rzr but now I’m wondering if it’s even worth it?
Once you are ready to start promoting you definitely want to show up and be a sponsor or bring out the sign truck. Its a big event every year and will drive up forum members for sure.
You guys are making me not want to goto Glamis on Halloween or camp rzr lol.

I have always wanted to check out camp rzr but now I’m wondering if it’s even worth it?
I think I mentioned before... I don't even unload my cars for that weekend... just camp away from the 2 mile wide dust cloud and drive the truck to the compound and work a booth. It's not a fun weekend for duning, that is for sure
Once you are ready to start promoting you definitely want to show up and be a sponsor or bring out the sign truck. Its a big event every year and will drive up forum members for sure.
This right here... that's the only reason to go IMO ...I plan to spend >80 nights out there this year and that weekend will be two the two worst, I already know it, lol
You guys are making me not want to goto Glamis on Halloween or camp rzr lol.

I have always wanted to check out camp rzr but now I’m wondering if it’s even worth it?
Good. You checking it out to help with the site is one thing. Making your kids go for halloween is quite another. Unless of course you've got a couple of 19 year olds that are gonna be sneaking beers out of your cooler, in which case it might be a good idea.
when my kids were little we took them trick or treating. They only needed to hit a few camps to scratch the itch. They were always well received and if camps didn’t have candy to pass out they scrambled around to give something lol.
Taking the family?

Avoid the big weekends at all costs.

Doing some promotional work?

Follow @HozayKwarvo

He knows the ropes. 👍🏼
Taking the family?

Avoid the big weekends at all costs.

Doing some promotional work?

Follow @HozayKwarvo

He knows the ropes. 👍🏼

For some reason, I don’t think the family would be too accepting of the idea of dad taking off on Halloween. lol.